Report from the Fort — Day 3 (Bates, Bowden and Gedman Interview)

The first three days of Spring Training has been so much fun, and I’m still in awe of the JetBlue Park facility. During the past few days, I’ve covered the Sea Dogs, PawSox and Red Sox, with Pawtucket broadcaster Aaron Goldsmith. Yesterday I interviewed former Sea Dog Aaron Bates after Pawtucket’s 6–2 loss to Rochester. Tomorrow, the Twins minor leaguers play at the Red Sox complex, and I’m hoping to interview former Sea Dog Ray Chang.

When I woke up this morning and heard rain, I was worried that Camp Day would be cancelled. So what is Camp Day? It’s where teams play intra-squad games, and hitters get to face their own pitchers. Since it rained in the morning, a few pitchers threw to a hitter with no one on the field. There was a catcher, umpire and a few players chasing down fly balls. It was nice to have a great view behind home plate.

Interview with former Red Sox Catcher Rich Gedman. Great insight on the 1986 team [soundcloud url=”" iframe=”true” /]

With the Red Sox playing on the road today, a few starters stayed behind and took batting practice. Former Sea Dogs Manager Arnie Beyeler threw BP (baseball slang word for batting practice), and chatted with me after their workout. On Monday, I’m going to watch Arnie work with some of the Red Sox players during their pre-game routine in the morning. Looking forward to getting some great photos. I can’t say enough about how great the Sea Dogs’ coaches have been since my time in Portland.

During my morning travels, I had a long conversation with former Sea Dogs’ trainer Masai Takahashi. Masai is one of two assistant trainers (Brad Pearson) that worked in Portland. Jon Jochim, the PawSox trainer, was driving around in a golf cart, but he was very busy. I also had a quick minute to check-in with Dustin Pedroia. He said it was as honor that I read his book. Actually I made that part up.

A Class Act on and off the field. Former Sea Dog Michael Bowden
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Have a great Sunday, and I’ll check in with you on Monday. Reach me at Full photo gallery at



Michael Antonellis
Inside the Clubhouse with Mike Antonellis

In my 24th season as a play-by-play broadcaster in minor league baseball. Previous stops: Portland Sea Dogs, Erie, Kane County, Syracuse/Utica, and Potomac.