Do You Drink Your Tea or Eat the Leaves?!?

Barbie Coleman
AudioSparx and RadioSparx
3 min readAug 7, 2023

And are workers in the tea industry being abused in India?

By Barbie Coleman

I am an avid tea drinker, and a favorite is Jasmin Tea that I prepare each day — always adding a bit of lemon juice and some sugar. Since I love it HOT, I probably take more trips to my microwave than should be allowed under the law of rationality!

But have you ever EATEN TEA LEAVES, or like me, do you just DRINK your tea?

Check out this awesome video that shows how people in MYANMAR cook up their tea leaves to add to their delicious meals:

You Can Have Your Tea and Eat it Too — YouTube

And now let’s jump to the video below that shows the #DANGER in #INDIA that the tea leaf gatherers face as they try to do their backbreaking work:

Filmed at night to avoid arrest or violence, Chaitanya Tamhane’s “Six Strands” weaves a mysterious tale based on secrets and political unrest within the famous Darjeeling tea industry. Chaitanya’s haunting tale draws us to his quiet, mysterious powers of storytelling.

An IMDb summary: “A lonely, mysterious woman in the hills of Darjeeling produces the most elusive and expensive tea in the world. Plucked under mysterious conditions, the ‘Moonlight Thurston’ tea triggers layered sensations encompassing taste, memory, love and pleasure. But like all happiness, this tea has an expiry date.”

Filmed during a period of political unrest, the authorities were constantly monitoring the filmmaker’s moves. Sushama Deshpande stars as the “Lady” in the film, which has appeared in 13 International Film Festivals. Sound Designers will love Chaitanya’s sound effects, a blend of calm nature sounds with more brutal, and jarring SFX… While music is minimal here, the story cleverly grabs your attention in other ways.

View full screen, as narrator Puja Sarip spills many dark secrets along the way…

As Creative Director and an online DJ at AudioSparx and RadioSparx, here is a beautiful, mysterious melody created by Nigel Male, titled “TREK ISTAN.” Check it out as you sip your tea…

Music Blog Article (

Photo Courtesy of Pixabay

And if you enjoyed my first MEDIUM article, please follow me, and you can check out our exquisite “INDIA WORLD LOUNGE” playlist at this link:

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Barbie Coleman
AudioSparx and RadioSparx

Creative Director and online DJ for AudioSparx and RadioSparx