Eurovision has always been POLITICAL! Because humans are & MUSIC is too!

Eurovision 2023 is over. TATTOO by LOREEN of Sweden WON & President Volodymyr Zelensky of UKRAINE LOST in his bid to address the world by video. Some people hate the politics surrounding EUROVISION, but EUROVISION has been political since day one.

When the EBU (the European Broadcasting Union) — the minds behind EUROVISION — said a resounding ‘NON’ to Zelensky’s request to address the world, on behalf of the hosting nation — Ukraine — their reason was any political message dished out during EUROVISION was against the rules of the show. But that decision in itself was political; it shut down Zelensky’s ongoing cry for help for his war-ravaged country as the clocks keep turning on Russian aggression. The EBU could have let him speak — another political act — but by silencing him, pundits will argue that the EBU made MUSIC even more political.

Going right back to the beginning of EUROVISION, neighbouring countries have always awarded points to each other, in a show of cultural and territorial camaraderie. In the old days, when EUROVISION was a competition between just a smattering of European Union nations, Belgium and The Netherlands handed each other points like sweeties; so did Italy and Switzerland. France would give the UK ‘NUL POINTS’ — due to their hate-love-hate relationship, and likewise on it went.

But getting upset by the politics of EUROVISION is like being cross with a stormy sky. It’s just the way it is. So, let’s remind ourselves what Eurovision is all about. The Eurovision Song Contest is a delightful blend of music and politics! It’s like a political circus with catchy tunes. From the bloc voting, where neighbouring countries form alliances to shower each other with points, to the strategic selection of songs that carry hidden political messages, it’s a political minefield wrapped in glitzy costumes.

But it doesn’t stop there! Geopolitical tensions and historical grudges often find their way onto the Eurovision stage. It’s like a battleground for nations to assert their influence and gain international recognition. And let’s not forget the outrageous voting patterns that leave you scratching your head. Is it a genuine appreciation for musical talent, or just political manoeuvring?

So how can we appreciate the core essence of it — MUSICAL TALENT — without being bogged down by politics? Here’s our advice:

To fully enjoy the Eurovision Song Contest without getting caught up in the hidden agendas of politics, it’s best to focus on the essence of the event: the music and the celebration of cultural diversity. Here are a few tips:

1. Embrace the music: Allow yourself to be swept away by the melodies, performances, and vocal talents showcased by the artists. Appreciate the variety of genres, languages, and musical styles that come together in this global event.

2. Engage with the spectacle: Enjoy the colourful costumes, stage designs, and creative performances. Eurovision is known for its flamboyant and over-the-top presentations, so immerse yourself in the visual feast and the energetic atmosphere.

3. Connect with the positive spirit: Eurovision is a celebration of unity and cultural exchange. Focus on the shared joy and excitement that the event brings to millions of viewers around the world. Engage in discussions and conversations about the music itself and the impressive talents on display.

4. Discover new artists and songs: Use Eurovision as an opportunity to discover music from different countries and explore the diverse musical landscapes of Europe and beyond. Expand your musical horizons and appreciate the unique sounds and styles that each contestant brings to the stage.

5. Enjoy the friendly competition: Instead of dwelling on the political aspects, embrace the friendly rivalry among countries. Support your favourite acts and engage in the light-hearted competition, knowing that the outcome is determined by a combination of jury votes and public opinion.

Remember, the Eurovision Song Contest is ultimately a celebration of music, cultural exchange, and unity. By focusing on the positive aspects and enjoying the performances, you can fully immerse yourself in the experience and have a great time watching the show.

Love its CAMPNESS, its crassness and its beautiful performers with their outstanding voices. And remember if you missed EUROVISION, our beloved TECH allows us to catch up anytime. Mark SWEDEN May 2024 in your calendar, and next year enjoy the GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH.

Meryana — RadioSparx



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