VInyl Records

I’m Meryana Tamera, a passionate music lover. I grew up with Black Funk in my ears and those glittery costumes and platform shoes in my line of vision. It was the 70s, and as young girl I was hooked but never allowed to participate — I was far too young. But one thing I knew — that music was the most powerful language I had ever heard, and to this day I feel the same way.

I work for AudioSparx and RadioSparx, a US company with partners all over the world, and clients in over 100 countries.

We’re an independent platform, with over 7800 artists on our books. We license and sell their music to different categories of business; AudioSparx to the media industry; for films, TV, ad campaigns etc; and RadioSparx, which is aimed at business across every category, the world over; music for venues, for offices, for phones, for simply everywhere.

‘Well I can get that anywhere, can’t I? — you see that stuff all over the internet — free music, free music, free music.’

These are words I read and hear all the time.

Well, like a pack of circling Great White Sharks going in for the kill, if you’re a business — film media company — or a venue or anything outside the ‘personal’, and you use music you’ve found online that you think is free — those Great White Sharks — (major record companies and their subsidiaries, plus the independent record labels) will come looking for you, and it won’t be pretty.

To put it in less dramatic language (although I like the image of Great White Sharks); for your own personal music, you’re probably streaming from your Spotify, YouTube, Deezer, Apple or Amazon music app — cool — but for music for anything other than personal usage you need a license, and you need a proper license. It’s complicated, and the law comes down hard for those who stream for business without licensing.

‘I didn’t know about all that,’ is no defence!

I think I’ve got the coolest job in the world. I love music, and I’m a big one for independents because I love independent musicians. In the vast oceans of creativity, there is such powerful talent out there, and nearly 8000 of those award-winning artists are signed with us.

These awesome musicians, composers, producers, songwriters, vocalists and more are navigating the choppy waters of the music world, solo, without the might of a major record company! Now, that’s pretty hardcore.

It’s tough out there — we get it — but we’re on the side of our MEGA-TALENTED musicians, and we’re on the side of our AWESOME clients, and I’m just one of an amazing team who are pulling these two groups of people together for that big COMMERCIAL handshake.

I will be writing articles on the music business, and sharing information that you will, hopefully, find helpful. I will be interviewing COMPOSERS, and getting under their skin, to find out how they create the awesome music that they make, and I’ll be digging deep to flush out breaking stories that thrill, excite, inform and entertain.

So, come on this journey with me to the heart of the music industry, and we’ll do some serious dancing together.

Meryana @ RadioSparx.com

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MERYANA & the team @ RADIOSPARX Music for Business
AudioSparx and RadioSparx