RadishNFT To Host First AMA And NFT Giveaway

Published in
1 min readFeb 19, 2022

February 15, 2022

CONTACT: RadishNFT Discord Moderator

RadishNFT, web3’s home for NFT knowledge, opportunity, and community, will be hosting the first in a series of Ask Me Anythings (AMAs).

As the NFT userbase has exploded, so too have risky NFT projects as well as outright fraud. At RadishNFT, we help you vet NFTs through three critera: affinity, scarcity, and utility.

Through this lens we will discuss NFTdraft.io, the next step in fantasy sports, at our historic first AMA.

Listeners to the live Discord presentation can expect a full explanation of how NFT based fantasy football works with a Q&A period at the end. Listeners to the AMA will be fully prepared to start next season playing in the next evolution of fantasy sports.

One week from the conclusion of the AMA, RadishNFT will give away NFTs from the NFTdraft.io project to over 40 RadishNFT community members.

NFTdraft.io AMA
Hosted by RadishNFT
24 February 2022
2100 EST
Location: https://discord.gg/xfeWBwcEJU

Full details on the AMA as well as the giveaway can be found in this article.




RadishNFT is your trusted community for learning about non-fungible tokens (NFTs).