What the actual NFT…

Published in
3 min readJan 27, 2022


Learning about NFTs is possible for everyone.

Well, hello NFT world!

Never heard of NFT’s? Up until a week ago, neither had I. Actually, that’s not entirely true. I had heard the phrase NFT being thrown around by some friends and friends of friends but I had no idea what it stood for. I certainly did not understand the realm and scope of these mysterious and bizarrely named digital ‘things’.

After a few quick YouTube clips, I proudly announced to my fiancé “NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token which means it’s non-replaceable which means they’re unique which means they’re valuable”, to which he replied “cool babe, so what do you do with them?”. You could have heard a pin drop. What the hell DO you do with these things? WHY are they valuable? What’s the craze and how the hell are people making millions of dollars off of these things? WHAT’S THE BIG IDEA!?

Learn about NFTs now before they become a daily part of your life in the future.

After a week of diving head first into the nitty gritty of a land I have no map for, I have firmly decided two things.

One, NFT’s are HARD. It’s not the basic concept that’s hard to wrap your head around because once you think of NFT’s as the ‘Mona Lisa’s of the digital world’ it does start to make sense. It’s that there are so many components from having a crypto account to being involved in discord groups to jumping from platform to platform trying to figure out what a ‘drop’ is and what a ‘gas fee’ is and WHY ISN’T THERE A SINGLE PLACE TO DO EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO DO?

What solves fear? Knowledge.

Two, patience is a virtue and boy oh boy do you need patience once you open the NFT door and decide to commit to expanding your horizons. The more I learn the more I don’t know which is frustrating. However I’m choosing to push past the moments of feeling like my head is going to explode and bit by bit, I’m slowly beginning to understand what all the hype is about. I understand that this is a process that will take time, and like any good investment it may take a while before I see any returns.

Last week the one standing was the one being taught NFTs.

No one likes feeling like a dummy, but in my opinion it’s a right of passage to begin one’s NFT journey so stick with it! Soon you’ll be explaining it to another dummy and before long, you’re not the dummy anymore.

New to NFTs as well or an Original Gangsta (OG)? Join our discussion and share your thoughts in the RadishNFT community here https://discord.gg/a36895U8Gp.

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  • Lady J at RadishNFT
Lady J is an Australian born educator living in America via Europe.

Disclaimer: We are not financial advisors and the information here is not financial advice.




RadishNFT is your trusted community for learning about non-fungible tokens (NFTs).