2018 — An Incredible Year for Radium — Part I — Marketing and Promotion

John P
Validity Blockchain News | Crypto Blog
3 min readFeb 11, 2019
Written by Linda P, Radium Core, February 11th, 2019

Despite 2018 being a generally disappointing year in cryptocurrency terms, with its extended bear trend and loss of the momentum gathered in late 2017, Radium has made many strides this year and the team would like to share their achievements with the community. Radium has lost neither impetus nor focus in this challenging time and the team members continue to press forward with their Roadmap.

Phase 1 of the Roadmap is complete and Phase 2 is well in the making, with an exciting announcement imminent about one of its key elements: Zero Client.

There have been a number of developments to the SmartChain protocol as well, for example the implementation of custom asset creation and IPFS integration.

Promotional Video

We have been working on a promotional video and cannot wait to launch it. The script has been finalised and the storyboarding and voiceover are both well under way.

Basic Setup Guide

Our setup guide has been updated and created as a .pdf file for easy download from the Radium Core website. The guide is also in continual revision to facilitate adoption and ease the learning curve. It will also soon be updated for the Zero Client.

Radium Academy

We are really excited about the inception of Radium Academy, which has been introduced in recognition of the fact that crypto is a highly specialised subject. It’s very easy for the crypto and tech community to be blasé about it, but we have to consider that for a non-tech person there are many new concepts to assimilate and steps to go through to access and utilise cryptocurrency. In line with our ethos of wishing to make Radium and its uses truly accessible, we are creating a series of step-by-step guides to support individuals wishing to make use of the power of blockchain technology.

Primarily a marketing initiative, this series of videos will not only showcase all of the functionalities to be found within the RadiumCore wallet, but also demonstrate the beauty and simplicity of the Zero Client.

Radium Academy will augment our basic setup guide and support the wider community.

Marketing and PR Activity

We have gathered several marketing proposals and are strategically waiting to execute them at the proper time when adequate funding becomes available. In the interim, the team handles all marketing efforts in-house.

Radium Book

An academic and avid cryptocurrency enthusiast, Christopher P. Thompson, is currently working on a book about Radium in his series of books on the subject of cryptocurrency, which are available to buy on Amazon. Chris is a mathematics graduate from the University of York and has published 21 books already on various crypto themes.


The team made a huge leap in visibility by attending the 2019 Synapse Summit in Florida. Zero Client was the main focus of our presentation for this event for which Justin, our lead developer, worked tirelessly to build a functional Zero Client implementation with Custom Asset and IPFS integration.

John writes: ‘Synapse was empowering, energizing, motivating and incredibly exciting to finally show off what we’ve been working on. And it’s so vastly different than releasing something online. When you get to see someone’s reaction in real-time, their body language, it’s inspiring because in that moment, you know you’ve done something extraordinary. Not to mention the wide array of people we got to meet and interact with, their respective inputs, their ideas, their visions…it was pretty surreal to be honest.’

Please go to Part II for news on other developments!

