New Exchange Listings for Radium

John P
Validity Blockchain News | Crypto Blog
3 min readApr 9, 2019

Our primary aim is to make Radium as accessible and mainstream as possible, and in recent months, we’ve made a substantial and very successful push to broaden our range of service partners, which include exchanges and fiat gateways.

As explained before, finding the right exchanges and getting listed on them is a challenge, to say the least. Of the hundreds of different exchange mechanisms out there, we have carefully selected and negotiated with a relatively small number that the team considered both suitable and within budget. It is still a work in progress, but Radium is now available on all of the exchanges shown below.

Important Points to Note

· There is no KYC (Know Your Customer) on the newly-added exchanges (see table below). KYC refers to the due diligence that financial and similarly-regulated organizations need to carry out in order to verify their customers’ identities and protect against financial crime. Some customers feel safer trading in a verified environment subject to regulation, whereas others will prefer the anonymity and ease of no-KYC. It could be argued that one of the many advantages of crypto is — or should be — that the customer don’t have the same intrusion into their privacy as is unavoidable with conventional banking and financial transactions.

· Most are on the list of the Blockchain Transparency Institute (BTI)’s list of trusted exchanges, which synergizes perfectly with Radium’s ethical principles. An exchange real volume investigation by the TIE lends confidence to these exchanges, where listed.

The Latest Additions at a Glance

Whilst valuing all the functionalities that exchanges can offer, it’s worth reinforcing the point that NO exchange is foolproof and wherever possible, users would be advised to wherever possible keep their Radium in cold storage i.e. on a local client (wallet), with the proper safeguards in place.

If unsure how to do this, download our basic setup guide which will walk you through the process; if after this you still have any concerns or questions about the procedure, Radium’s friendly community team are there to help you ( We are working to build and maintain service infrastructure to enable failover; it’s wise to be aware that while we may be around, these institutions may not.

Note that the above list includes two decentralized exchanges, Bisq and Amsterdex. Although these types of exchanges are rather new and not widely used yet, Radium wants to be on the cutting edge of blockchain technology.

Increased accessibility

Crypto is a global phenomenon and, ever-aware of the regional diversity of our customers, the team is working hard to find ways to make Radium available to as many demographics as possible. We want everyone to be able to buy, trade, stake and utilize Radium, and are therefore offering multiple purchasing options to end users, together with technical support via our Telegram community.

In terms of fiat currencies, Radium is currently available to purchase with USD, Euros, and GBP. We are also consciously seeking an outlet for the Asian customer audience, which will be added as soon as possible. In the same vein we recognize the importance of bringing liquidity to all the different geographical regions and are working hard to achieve trading volume wherever possible.

In progress

The Radium Core team has also reached out to Binance and Bitfinex; in addition, the team has re-applied for listing on Poloniex as all these exchanges show real volume. We are still waiting to hear back from Binance and Poloniex; however, there is ongoing communication with Bitfinex and we continue to be optimistic about a Radium listing on there in the near future.

Linda Prior — April 4th, 2019

