Radium 2.0 Development & Expansion Roadmap — Updated Dec 2018

John P
Validity Blockchain News | Crypto Blog
6 min readDec 7, 2018

The original instance of this post was published back on October 2nd, 2018. But, as with any active project, things are bound to change. Priorities are re-assigned, tasks are re-arranged, items are added, items are dropped. This is simply the natural progression of the product and development life cycle and consequently, we deemed it necessary to update our prior outlook so as to keep everyone informed. Of course, much of the content will be the same, but there are some important revisions that we’ll explain below. Enjoy!

The Radium 2.0 Development and Expansion Roadmap provides an overview of the key deliverables to come from Radium over the next 24 months. Much of this work began during Q2 of this year. By the end of 2018, Radium will deliver a number of our core product offerings that will set us up for further customer engagement moving into 2019 and 2020. In fact, PHASE 1 was completed as of August 29th, 2018. As of today, Phase 2 is nearly complete.

PHASE 2 — The Zero Client User Experience and SmartChain Protocol Updates

Zero Client User Experience — The Zero Client (ZC) User Experience (UX) is designed to facilitate accessibility to the SmartChain utility using a purely web-based interface. The web interface does not require any installation, or downtime for syncing. All Radium SmartChain functionality is available for use within the ZC and eliminates the need for an end-user to acquire Radium (RADS) in order to utilize the SmartChain.

If you recall from the initial post, the Zero Client was part of Phase 4 and we were focusing on a client side integrated Wallet/SmartChain built in React. During the development process, our lead developer, Justin, and the team came to the realization that, for purposes of efficiency, it would be best to tackle all of these tasks at once. In fact, now that the alpha is up and running and the model has proven itself, not only have we built this web based interface, but we have laid the foundational framework for a universally accessible platform across ALL operating systems. And with some simple engineering, the ZC can be packaged into a mobile app with ease for even greater accessibility.

Multi-Signature Transaction Builder — If you’ve ever tried to build out a Multi-Signature transaction, or let alone create a Multi-Signature address, we’re sure you’ve realized its no walk in the park. We’ve fixed that and have created an easy to use Multi-Sig tool to fulfill all of your Multi-Sig needs.

Custom Asset Creation — A custom asset built on top of the Radium blockchain is a sort of digital asset that has a certain consensus value. The Radium platform will allow users to create their own tokens to fulfill their specific need.

Instant Identity Verification — Current user ID verification on the SmartChain requires manual processing by trusted authorities. We are working with Lexis Nexis to integrate their powerful InstantID API into the Radium SmartChain in order to provide seamless and effective digital ID validation.

STRATIS Codebase Swap — A swap of the current codebase to the C# driven STRATIS Codebase. This will facilitate accelerated future development cycles and allow for far more community participation due to the far greater accessibility.

PHASE 3 — Plugins and Expansion

Microsoft Outlook Integration — Direct plugin integration with Microsoft Outlook will empower end users to utilize the full power of the SmartChain to control their email transmissions. For example, if you’d like to securely send an attachment, you could IPFS encrypt the file, store the hash into the Radium SmartChain, assign it to your identity, and send it off. This would ensure ultimate trust by the receiving party by knowing the contents are validated and being sent by the proper individual. Of course, this would all happen seamlessly in the background, so it wouldn’t be nearly as complicated as it sounds.

Microsoft OneNote Integration — We envision this will heavily utilized in academic research environments where users could ensure that their ideas are immutably bound to their identities, ensuring plagiarism and theft are eradicated.

PGP Encryption — No need to have two apps. Directly integrated PGP Data Encryption within the Radium SmartChain to facilitate efficiency in your workflow.

IPFS File Sharing/Encryption — “IPFS and the Blockchain are a perfect match! You can address large amounts of data with IPFS, and place the immutable, permanent IPFS links into a blockchain transaction. This timestamps and secures your content, without having to put the data on the chain itself.”

ConceptCrypt Overhaul — ConceptCrypt 1.0 was designed to provides an incredibly easy and secure way to record and store ideas and information. Since launch, we’ve received tremendous feedback on how to improve the system. Come ConceptCrypt 2.0, we will be introducing user accounts, social media integration, key management, and mobile support.

PHASE 4 — MDASR Law Firm

While this is marked for Phase 4 completion, work with MDASR has already begun. MDASR’s implementation will serve as the foundation for the legal industry with direct system integration to validate employee and client identities, verify and validate files and correspondence, and ensure accountability throughout the firm.

The firm will also be the first company to employ the production releases of our Microsoft Office SmartChain integrated plugins in addition to the Zero Client UX. More information including technical wire-frames will be divulged in due time.

PHASE 5 — Civic Action Platform

As with MDASR, even though this is marked as a Phase 5 objective, work has already begun. While we cannot spill the beans just yet, Radium is working closely with a Florida based Civic Action Platform to employ Radium and the SmartChain as the foundation for their operations.

BIG IDEAS — The Beyond

Mobile SmartChain — Let’s face it. Most of the world would rather use a phone than a computer when it comes to most things. So, we’re not going to deny that and bring the power of the SmartChain to that little computer in your pocket. In fact, with the release of the Zero Client, we’ll have accomplished this and more!

Legal Industry Expansion — As we mentioned earlier, our work with MDASR is foundational. We’ll be using the knowledge gained there to further establish ourselves within the industry.

Health Care and Real Estate Industry Penetration — The health care and real estate industries could benefit greatly from some immutability and accountability. Even in today’s world, there are far too many instances of invalid documentation and poorly kept records. We at Radium seek to correct this dilemma.

Corporate Integration — Executives, employees, clients, you name it — everyone should be held accountable for their actions, whether good or bad. We plan to introduce blockchain’s immutability via SmartChain Identities and data verification and validation protocols.

Fast Moving Consumer Goods — With the release of Radium Custom Assets, FMCG businesses will be able to deploy their own tokens in order to track, manage, and validate shipments, inventory, routing protocols, etc.

Quantum Resistance — Most blockchains in existence are for the most part secure but they all have one major Achilles heal — Quantum Computing. With the technology evolving at a rapid pace, there is only a finite and ever decreasing window of opportunity to protect our assets before all currently employed encryption algorithms become obsolete. We are going to ensure that Radium is equipped to weather this transition with certainty.

Government Level Elections — SmartChain Elections have the power to change the world. Coupled with SmartChain Identities, local and even federal government institutions could benefit greatly from having an impenetrable voting system, free of tampering, miscalculations, and technical influence. Results would be accurate and immutable, exactly how they should be. Worth noting, SmartChain Elections is an already available protocol for all users of Radium. In fact, the Radium team has used the SmartChain to include the community in development decisions and will continue to recruit community input in the future.

