Radium’s Ethical Principles and the Importance of Community Funding

John P
Validity Blockchain News | Crypto Blog
2 min readFeb 19, 2019

Radium is currently being developed by a team of designers and avid community members dedicated to the realization of a reliable and functional Proof-of-Stake blockchain. We are building it because we’re excited about Proof-of-Stake technology and the possibilities that it offers.

Unlike the vast majority of blockchain projects, Radium’s development is not motivated by profit for either its developers or early adopters. Since our release in 2015, Radium has upheld the following promises to its community:

  • Radium did not engage in an ICO. Radium did not conduct a presale. Radium did not conduct a premine.
  • Radium’s launch was open and fair.
  • Radium’s developers and team were not issued any percentages of the coin. They had to purchase any holdings of their own accord or obtain via the initial Proof-of-Work phase.
  • Radium will not seek nor accept any capital that comes with the expectation of future monetary return or that may affect the decision-making processes of the team.

Thus far, Radium’s development has been mostly a part-time effort, with volunteers contributing their code on an ad hoc basis. This will continue in any event, but the reality is that a project of Radium’s scope would be greatly helped by having an additional source of funding (in conjunction with the minimal development fund introduced in the August 29th Hard Fork). This would allow Radium to reach its potential more quickly, more reliably, with better supporting infrastructure, and with a far greater chance of success competing against (or co-existing with) well-funded blockchain projects.

To keep Radium open and free from controlling influences, the project will attempt to rely 100% on community donations for its funding needs. We ask any person, corporate entity or institution who sees potential in Radium technology to consider donating to the project, and we hope that the vibrant cryptocurrency community will help Radium in achieving its goal of providing a reliable, scalable and security-driven blockchain implementation that truly belongs to everyone.

To donate to Radium, please send your BTC to this address:


