What’s In a Raw Diet for Cats?

A brief overview

Anne Zoet
2 min readJul 29, 2016


In sum, here are the most crucial elements to creating a balanced cat diet (not a recipe, by any stretch, merely an overview):

I’ve posted a few recipes for cats:

  • Chicken (two recipes, one that can be done without purchasing a grinder)
  • Lamb (a great protein source to try if your cat is showing allergies to the most widely available proteins)

There are some great online resources for delving further into things:

  • CatInfo.org: Lisa Pierson is a DVM on a mission. Her web site is nearly impossible to navigate but have some patience with it, there’s a lot there.
  • CatNutrition.org Ann Jablonski has done a much nicer job presenting the same materials.
  • TCFeline: Natascha Wille provides a great base and I think, though I haven’t tested on my cats, her supplement formulas could make raw food making a breeze.

If you want to wrap your hands around a book, Lynn Curtis’s Feline Nutrition is priceless, though very technical (befitting of her background in both biology and chemistry).

My own accreditation and authority comes from (1) years of research motivated by (2) saving my cat’s life through modifying his diet. Two big deals to me, but no Harvard diploma by any stretch. The two feathers in my cap were born out of necessity, as they are for many who have fought to find answers to skin, weight, diabetes and other modern day cat health concerns.

I tip my feathered hat to the above women for their amazing research and dedication to the health of cats! Without them going out on a limb to save lives, then going out on a limb to publish their findings, I’d be mixing up various concoctions for my cats from guesswork. Give them a look and give raw diet a try for your feline friends.

