[Case] PapelZero — Governo do Estado MS

Rafael Coronel
Rafael Coronel
Published in
4 min readJul 10, 2018

PapelZero enables the digital signature of documents with security and transparency. With it you can organize the steps of each activity, monitor the evolution of requests, and digitally sign and certify the documents in the ICP-Brazil standard, which represents a leap in quality, time and resource savings.

It contributes to conference and authorization, facilitating compliance with deadlines, speeding up processes and making the results clearer.

Municipalities gain more agility in interacting with those involved in the process of document processing, reducing the cost of sending the pouches and digitally signing the documents through the Digital Certificate ICP-Brazil, established by Provisional Measure №2.200–2, of August 24, 2001. This legislation guarantees the authenticity, integrity and legal validity of documents in electronic format.
- Digix

The project

This was the first project I worked on daily with developers on my side. I was able to learn a lot about software-building approaches such as Agile and Scrum, since they happened every day before my eyes.

One of my missions was also to take the design culture to this development team, always focusing on the user, on their journeys and tasks to be completed.

Over time, it was clear how developers also created a culture of empathy and stopped thinking only about code-related issues (though important as well), they began to care about what the real end-user value would be , always focusing on ease of use and added value to your daily life.

These details were fruits of daily communication, in a company that gave value to the details of the products and to a team open to new experiences, that listened to the next one and cared for the users.

Talking about users…

One of my favorite point was to get in touch with the users and gather feedback for continuous improvement of our product.
And we had a good freedom and total trust of the Governo de Mato Grosso do Sul and the Secretaria de Educação do MS, our main stakeholders, and this contributed to the success of the project.

Usability tests with users


Our work was done Design oriented. As we did the tests, we would learn and then revisit the wireframes, and only after validating the functionality with the users would we go to the Sprint development. Usually the design was one or two sprints ahead of development.

First version of the UI for tests

The ability to distribute one-time documents to various industries made signing documents faster and further reduced the time needed to pass on strategic resources, a joint work of PapelZero with Nexxus. The waiver of sending physical documents prevented the loss, as well as their handling costs, ensuring more responsiveness to requests.

The product was implemented for the management of Mato Grosso do Sul School Transportation's documents and the numbers don't lie.

Copyright Digix

It was a success and I attribute this to several factors, however, focusing on the needs of users will always be a great path to a product’s success.


I learned a lot from the PapelZero team and am grateful until now. After a year and a half in the project, I accepted the challenge of moving to São Paulo for a new mission, but I know that the team still contributes too much to the growth of this project and expansion to other states.

For more UI details, check-out my dribbble.

