How to Easily Create a Salesforce Certification Header for Social Media

Mark Jones
Ragamuffin Admin
Published in
5 min readJul 13, 2022

A Great Resource for Creating Certification Social Media Graphics

Image taken from 5 Powerful Salesforce Certification Benefits … image credit belongs to Salesforce.

Salesforce Certifications are a very popular area of discussion. With the recent releases of the Strategy Designer and Business Analyst certs, it’s never been as easy to pick up multiple certifications. For myself personally, over the span of around 18 months, I went from having no certs to having four with an additional partner credential focusing on Process Automation. All being well, by the end of this year I will have completed and passed at least two more certification exams (maybe even three … one can only hope).

It’s been a little while since I’ve blogged, and I have a few more posts in the works for across the summer season. While I work on those posts, along with some other things (including revising for said exams), I thought now would be a good time to share my go-to resource for putting together headers for social media (specifically LinkedIn and Twitter) that showcases my certs.

This is what I currently use, at some point I might transition to my own design, but for now this is a tool I find really quick and easy to use. Hopefully, this resource might come in handy for you as well if you don’t use it already.

Introducing SuperQbit

SuperQbit is a website created by Abhimanyu Tanwar, it was designed with LWC and SLDS and it includes several resources that you can use. Included on the website is a Codebase, a page for Salesforce Blogs, a page for Trailblazer Analytics, a Trailblazer Leaderboard, and of course the Certifications Header Creator. In this post we’ll only be looking at the Certifications Header Creator, however do feel free to take a look at the website as it’s a great resource. Check out where you land in the Trailblazer Leaderboard, you never know where you might land … ironically enough I land in the top 1,800 Trailblazers which I was pleasantly surprised at. So do go ahead and check it out.

Now, to the Certifications Header Creator

The Certifications Header Creator on SuperQbit is extremely easy to use, there are three steps to take and then you get a good quality header image.

The three steps are:

  1. Select your header background.
  2. Select your certification icons.
  3. Download your header images.

Let me quickly walk you through how to create your very own header image.

#1: Select Your Header Background

The first step is to select the background for the header image. At the time of writing there are eight unique backgrounds you can choose from. Each one is different, and some of them even include Salesforce characters.

Select background image page on SuperQbit.

For this example, I’m going to choose the San Francisco image. Once you have chosen your background (or uploaded your own), click on next to continue.

#2: Select Your Certification Images

Next you will be asked to select your certification images. This is where this tool gets really good, as there are a ton of certification icons that you can select to use. You can mix and match a wide variety of certification icons.

The Certification selection tab on SuperQbit.

In this section, you can select icons from the following categories:

  • Salesforce Certifications
  • Salesforce Partner Accreditations
  • Trailhead Superbadges
  • AWS
  • Mulesoft
  • Copado
  • Tableau
  • Slack
  • Google Cloud
  • Azure

Each category is its own tab, but you can select multiple images. One really cool feature with this tool is that icons will automatically resize if you have a lot on there, this will prove very helpful to those who multi-time certified.

For me personally, I’m not sure if I would include Superbadges on my banner. At the time of writing, some of the Superbadges I have aren’t available to select as icons on the header, so I can’t all of mine anyway (I only have eight).

So for this demo, I’m going to select the appropriate five icons for me:

  • Administrator
  • Advanced Administrator
  • Platform App Builder
  • User Experience Designer
  • Process Automation (Partner Accreditation)

#3: Download Your Header Images

The final screen is where you can download your header images. SuperQbit provides two options, one for LinkedIn and one for Twitter. If you’re looking for other social media site sizing such as Facebook, you won’t find that here.

Download section of SuperQbit.

As you can see from the screenshot above, you will be shown a preview of your header images across both sizes. You’ll then be able to download a copy of each image as a PNG file which you can then add as your header images on the relevant social media page, be that on LinkedIn or on Twitter.

Closing Comments

So that’s it. That’s how easy it is to make a good quality header image for LinkedIn and Twitter that shows off your certification icons. I’ve been using this for around a year and it has become my go to header creator for my LinkedIn and Twitter banners whenever I add a new cert to my collection.

What do you think? Have you used SuperQbit before? If so, let me know what you think in the comments. While you’re at it, why not give a shout out to Abhimanyu for all of his hard work in creating this fantastic resource.



Mark Jones
Ragamuffin Admin

Mark is a Salesforce Consultant at Cloud Galacticos. With over 5 years experience as a Nonprofit Salesforce Admin, Mark is a Trailblazer who loves to give back.