It’s True … I’m Going to Dreamforce!!!

Mark Jones
Ragamuffin Admin
Published in
7 min readSep 13, 2022

It’ll Be My First Time at Dreamforce, Here’s What I’m Looking Forward To

We’re only a week from the official kick-off of Dreamforce ’22. This year, I’ll have the chance to attend the event for the first time. You might know that I didn’t really start getting involved properly within the community until 2020 when we launched the Newcastle User Group (back then it was officially an Admin group). So my “first” time attending Dreamforce was technically last year, attending virtually via Salesforce+.

This year, however, I get to actually be there. So what I thought I would do this year is to list some of the things I’m excited for at this year’s event. I’ll also list some of the things I’ll be doing while at the event and how you can find me while I’m there. We’ll begin with what I’m looking forward to.

So let’s dive in shall we?

What I’m Looking Forward to at Dreamforce ‘22!

There’s quite a lot that I’m looking forward to when it comes to going to Dreamforce in-person for the very first time. Some of the things I’m really looking forward to require no explanation, such as going to America for the first time (yes, at 34 years of age I’ll be visiting America for the first time), while others require a bit more unpacking. Those are the things I’ll talk about here in this blog. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the responses below or on social media, so let me know what you’re looking forward to.

#1: Meeting People I’ve Not Seen In-Person Yet

If you’ve followed my story over the last couple of years, you’ll know that while I started to speak at events in the community back in 2019, I didn’t really arrive on the scene as a more visible presence until 2021 after I had the chance to speak at Nonprofit Dreamin’. Since then I’ve had the chance to meet and do some stuff with a number of amazing people within the Trailblazer Community, many of whom I have still yet to meet in-person. Well, at Dreamforce I’ll have the chance to meet quite a few of those people, or at least I hope so. While there’s going to be some great sessions at this year’s event, above that for me personally is going to be the chance to meet so many of the amazing Trailblazers in the Salesforce ecosystem. It will be great to meet those I’ve yet to meet in-person, while also getting to see a number of whom I’ve had the chance to meet earlier this year.

#2: Going to Dreamfest for the First Time

With it being my first time at Dreamforce … by default that means I’ll be getting to go to Dreamfest for the first time as well. Last year the headline band at Dreamfest were Foo Fighters, and tbh I decided to go to bed rather than watch the concert (sorry, but staying up to 2am to watch it was a bit much for me). So I’m actually looking forward to going to Dreamfest. If I’m honest, I haven’t listened to much of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers since they released Stadium Arcadium some 16 years ago (yep, that’s how long its been), I’m sure it will be a good show. Quick fun fact also, I first heard of the Chilli Peppers back in ’95 because of all things, the Power Rangers movie (yes, I’m a 90’s kid realistically) … that doesn’t sound too geeky right?

#3: Being Able to Attend Some of the Great Sessions Taking Place

There are going to be a number of great sessions taking place this year at Dreamforce … spanning the entire spectrum of the Salesforce ecosystem. Looking for sessions for Admins? Dreamforce has it! Sessions for Devs? Dreamforce has it! Designers, Architects, Consultants and so on? Dreamforce has it! No matter what your interests are in the ecosystem, or your role, there will be a session (or more) designed for you. My agenda is already provisionally full up … how about yours? And if you’re not able to go to Dreamforce in-person, there is a lot of content that is going to be available for you to watch on Salesforce+ … and if you’re like and you’ll have to miss out on certain sessions, then you will also be able to catch up on a bunch of sessions via Salesforce+ as well. If you’re going to the event in-person, what sessions are you looking forward to attending.

#4: Giving Back to the Ecosystem and Trailblazer Community

Now not to sound mushy here, but for me personally … I have a lot to be thankful because of the Salesforce ecosystem and the wider Trailblazer Community. In 2022, I now have what I can honestly say is the best job I’ve ever had. I’ve gotten to meet some of the best people I’ve ever had the chance of meeting and getting to know through this ecosystem as well. I’ve been able to grow and develop, and I’ve been able to get my name out there in the ether. Not too shabby for a 34 year old kid from a little town in the North East of England that very few would know of if I named it out loud. So I’m beyond thrilled to be able to give back to the community at its single biggest event. Not only will I be speaking at Dreamforce (twice), but I’ll be involved with the Open Source Commons Sprint on the Thursday morning, along with maybe some other things (need to keep that close to the vest though). It thrills me beyond belief to be able to give back to the community at Dreamforce … it’s an absolute honour and a privilege.

#5: Simply Being Able to Go … I Know That’s a Little Cliche

Last, but certainly not least … I’m chuffed to just be able to go to this year’s Dreamforce. As you’ve heard already, it’s my first time going in-person, and like a number of people in the ecosystem, in previous years attending this event simply wouldn’t have been on the cards financially speaking. This year it is, and I’m beyond excited to be able to take in the whole experience of Dreamforce for the very first time. Over the last two years, I’ve heard so much about the Dreamforce experience and have been told to come and get that experience for myself, and this year I finally get to do it for myself.

How You Can Find Me at Dreamforce

Now that you’ve heard about what I’m looking forward to at Dreamforce, let’s talk a little about how you can find me while I’m there at the event.

#1: I’ll Be Repping Cloud Galacticos While I’m There

I’ll be around Moscone most of the day on both Tuesday and Wednesday. All being well, I’ll be wearing a Cloud Galacticos T-Shirt of some kind. Particularly on the Tuesday and the Thursday when I speak at my sessions.

Meet Cloud Galacticos at Dreamforce ’22 … say hi to Phil, Adam or myself at the event.

Not only am I going to be there. Our CEO, Phil Walton, and Adam Barnes, one of our Salesforce consultants will also be there. So if you see any of us while we’re floating around at Moscone, come and say hi. I’ll be doing a takeover of the Cloud Galacticos Twitter account, so if you see one of the team, grab a pic with us and we’ll share it on Twitter during the event. And if that deal isn’t sweet enough, we’ll have stickers as well with us on site. Grab one before they’re all gone … we’ll only have so many with us there.

#2: Check Out My Sessions

As I’ve already mentioned, I’ll be speaking not once at Dreamforce, but twice. I’d love it if you could come and check out my session, I’ll also float around for a little bit after the sessions, so you can say hi if you’d like to after my sessions. I’ll be covering a number of topics in my sessions, including Flow, Orchestrator, Slack and Presentation Skills. The sessions are available in the agenda builder right now, so why not bookmark them?

The sessions I will be doing at Dreamforce are:

Why not come along to one (or both) of these sessions, and come and say hello afterwards. I’d love to meet you and get to know you a little bit.

#3: Say Hi at One of the Many Dreamforce Events/Parties

Dreamforce is known for its parties. I’m hoping to get along to a number of them at this year’s event. I’ve registered for a bunch of them, so if I can get in I should be around at quite a few of these events. If you’re there too, again why not say hello. I’ll snap a pic with you and if you’re OK with it, I’ll share it on the socials. I’m sure the same will be true of Phil and Adam too.

Closing Remarks

Can you tell that I’m more than a little pumped to be at Dreamforce this year? I really am. Are you? I’d love to hear what you’re looking forward to at Dreamforce this year, so let me know what you’re looking forward to in the responses below, or on social media in the posts I share this post in.

I’ll be releasing multiple blogs around Dreamforce week, some of which will be coming specifically relating to my sessions as I’ll be sharing them as resources in my sessions. The blogs being drafted for Dreamforce, cover topics such as Presentation Skills, Flow Templates, and Documentation for Flow (I’m also working on a sneak peak of the first of my documentation templates for Flow, so that might be in the resource list for my Flow talk).

So keep an eye on my blog this week, as there are more posts to come.

I look forward to seeing a number of you at Dreamforce. For those who can’t go, I hope you enjoy the content on Salesforce+ and get a lot out of it.



Mark Jones
Ragamuffin Admin

Mark is a Salesforce Consultant at Cloud Galacticos. With over 5 years experience as a Nonprofit Salesforce Admin, Mark is a Trailblazer who loves to give back.