Some Parents Can Be Monsters Too

Sonali Dhiwar
Rage Against the Patriarchy
4 min readOct 10, 2020

What Separates a Good Parent From a Bad One?

Ever wondered why your daughter did what she did or did you just plainly yell at her? Why is it so difficult for you to communicate with your children when they make mistakes? How can a parent so easily say “You are dead to me” when their child makes a mistake? As if they are perfect human beings. Why did your kid get that tattoo? Ever wondered? Because they are the children of today and tattoos are pretty common. Like it was common to get those huge mega perms in the 80s. It seemed like a great way to impress others around you in the 80s, didn’t it? Although this post is not about tattoos or hairstyles, it is about you(parents) deciding whether you want to be a parent or a monster. Think like a child, except that they belong to this new generation and things will be definitely different as they were in your days. Talk to your child, he/she will listen. Every child eats mud until they are told by their parents that it is dirty and “one is not supposed to eat dirt”. I think, the day a parent accepts that they too were children once and that every child needs proper guidance to become a good person and that they need to treat their kid as a kid, that day you become not only good but also a great parent.

Let us talk about the post above. I need to ask every parent to read this. Are you really a parent or a monster? Why does your child have to get punished for coming home late after they went to a party, or when they do something mischievous at school but that so-called uncle still gets invited to your Christmas dinners after they molested your daughter? Why is respecting a relative or a family friend more important to you than your child’s life?

If You’ve Done This, Then You Have Ruined Your Child’s Life

Like Boom Shikha said in one of her YouTube videos, “Raising a child is one of the most important projects I could take up in my life!”. Raising a child is like a mission. You need to be careful about what you say in front of your child. You need to be careful about what you do in front of your child, because they see, hear, and learn. Most importantly, you NEED to be careful about what you make your child do.

Do not, I repeat, do not make your daughter face the man who molested her just for the sake of your family name or your pride. If you’ve done this, then you have ruined your child’s life. I think sexual assault, molestation, harassment, etc are the worst things a woman goes through in her life. Every woman that I know or have known or talked to in my 21 years of life, has been through this. It is ridiculous how common this is.

Facing these actions in life is not the worst part(correction), but trying to forget it ever happened, put a smile on and face that same man just because your parents told you to, is the worst thing a woman goes through. Why is it so important you respect that particular person? Why is it more important than your daughter’s life? Trust me, if you’ve done this, your child is more scared of you than anyone.

I Am Speechless. Can’t Think of a Better Way To…?

I just realized why I can’t put my thoughts into words. It’s because a caring parent JUST CANNOT do this to their child. Caring parents would never let their daughter go through something so hurting after what she has already put through by that monster.

I am speechless because I can’t speak to a monster. Even today, women are not safe in their own homes. If this continues, women will never be safe. How can we fight sexual predators if we have parents who care more about these predators than their daughter’s life?

Sending Strength to Your Daughters

If your parents make you do this, then leave that house. Become independent, earn for yourself, and make your decisions for yourself. You don’t need such parents (Yes offense!). You deserve to be around who loves and respects you. You don’t deserve to be forced to put on a smile and worship the monster who touched you in a wrong way, the monster who ruined your trust and faith in other men.

Being with such parents will never do you good. Trust me when I say this, there is no such thing as “Blood relations are for life.” Parents have ruined their children’s lives because of this belief. As you grow up and meet more people, you will learn that the best people you spent time with your whole life were not your blood relatives, they were better. Leave the toxicity behind, start over. The world is a beautiful place. There is so much more than parents, relatives, and family. Make yourself a priority. Don’t “put on” a smile for others, smile for yourself.

