Why It’s Okay to Choose Your Career Over a Fetus

Sonali Dhiwar
Rage Against the Patriarchy
3 min readOct 16, 2020

Career or Kids?

It’s 2020, and “pregnant out of wedlock” is not considered to be a hot topic anymore. Not in many countries. Nearly half of the pregnancies in the United States are unintended. Source : https://www.guttmacher.org/fact-sheet/unintended-pregnancy-united-states#:~:text=In%20other%20words%2C%20nearly%205,the%20United%20States%20were%20unintended.

Today, I don’t want to write about the statistics of unexpected pregnancies. Instead, I want to write about what happens after pregnancy.

Many women decide to get an abortion and continue with their working life. A woman gets pregnant, she decides not to keep the baby (due to multiple reasons), gets an abortion, and moves on with her life. Why is such a private issue, a talk of the town? Why is she shamed and called “selfish” for choosing her career over an unborn child?

When a woman decides not to have the baby, there may be a hundred reasons behind it, but there is no one reason for others to question her. A woman’s decision of getting an abortion shouldn’t be the business of her colleagues or neighbors or the government for that matter. It’s her fetus, her body, and her choice.

It is completely okay for a woman to abort the fetus and focus on her career because while everyone’s focused on raising a family and leaving a legacy behind, it is not selfish to live for our own self, which for me is the real meaning of life. It gives you a sense of independence and freedom to live your life for yourself instead of sacrificing it for someone who doesn’t even exist.

A huge number of working women who get unintentionally pregnant, don’t want to keep the baby but are compelled to. The ones who do get an abortion are shamed and also called “killers” which is ridiculous and should be stopped. Abortion should be legal in every part of the world and should be accepted as a normality.

Getting an abortion and deciding to be childfree is not selfish. It should be accepted in the society, as raising a child is not just a chore, it’s the biggest responsibility.

For Those Who Are Against Abortion

For those who are against abortion or just the idea of being childfree, you may be right in one way. After all, raising a child is everyone’s cup of tea. Hospital bills for the delivery are so cheap, also diapers and baby clothes. Who says baby-proofing your house is a tough job? How can one forget just how inexpensive education is these days? Also, the best healthcare for a child is made pretty affordable by our governments. Oh, and it just keeps getting better with the increase in the number of kids. Have as many kids as you want. Because it is simple for a woman to have a baby in the middle of her career, isn’t it?

