Why Someone Just Called India a Morally Decayed Country?

Sonali Dhiwar
Rage Against the Patriarchy
2 min readOct 9, 2020

Another Regular Day in India

I wrote an article earlier today and thought that was enough ranting for the day. But how can someone rest their mind when they live in a country where people fear getting raped more than getting robbed or murdered. A country in which morality is only about worshipping gods and goddesses but when it comes to humans, especially women, some men forget morals and become animals. Calling them animals is an insult to all the beautiful animals on this planet. I’d rather just call them inhuman.

I was scrolling through my newsfeed and found this. One of the most beloved cricketers in India, Mahendra Singh Dhoni, lost a match in the ongoing IPL 2020. His team CSK lost a match to KKR. Although, we are all aware of the hate that a sports star faces when he/she loses a match or two. No matter how much their fans love them, these fans do turn against them and troll them for not keeping their pride. But what I saw today was nerve-racking. MS Dhoni’s 5-year-old daughter, Ziva had to face the hatred too.

Many fans on Instagram have commented on ridiculous things including threatening Ziva.

Some People Really Have Morally Decayed Minds

Although, threats are given all around the world to all celebrities by their fans, when did giving RAPE THREATS come into fashion? When did threatening little girls with rape because of their father’s loss become normal? I read the comments that were posted. They are monstrous, fiendish! A tear trickled down my cheek when I read it and to be honest, I was petrified. Those harsh words are haunting me right at this moment.

Someone who even thinks of doing such barbaric things to a little girl is not a human being. And after today, and after going through all the inhumane rape articles today, I believe everyone around me is a monster.

Some Indian men think rape is a joke! Threatening a woman, let her be 5 or 55, is a joke. How does it come so naturally to these men? A guy just lost a match? Let’s threaten his daughter with death and rape. Why is thinking of raping someone so easy to them? This needs to stop. If people are bold enough to say something so devilish on social media, it gives me shivers just imagining what they must’ve done in real life. It is sick how this is normal in our country. It needs to stop or no woman will ever be safe in India.

