Shooting Stars

Madhav Sethi
rage + calm
Published in
3 min readOct 28, 2015

The sky is blue and the horizon red,
Drunk the world is with the sun abed.
Heavy my eyes are, weary my limbs,
And I can’t help but fall for my whims.

They wish the impossible, willing me on.
And I keep trudging, from dusk till dawn.
To find my precious, come to me is she.
With the world so odious, we must be free.

I find her with me, as echoes of the past.
And oh how I wish, that they would last.
Alas, but they fade, and I remain clutching,
at the shadows of time with boundless longing.

Her tiny feet, with the little tinkling softness.
And her wondrous eyes, that the gods did bless.
Such innocence there was in that one’s heart.
And an angel she was, right from the start.

She’d ask me of the Sun when we’d go out,
touching her skin, putting her in such doubt.
How would something so far and so small,
get to make such heat, and also rains fall.

I’d smile as i’d answer telling her of the star.
And how powerful they were, even though afar.
I’d tell her it doesn’t matter, if the blaze is so strong.
And point out how it makes, the days so long.

I’d pinch her pointy nose, and tell her that she was,
not different from them, just with baby small paws.
Such a tiny little creature, but so much was her worth,
that she was my world and had been, since her birth.

And the lack of light, in her eyes was a small matter.
For the twinkle that they had, enough to make sorrow scatter.
And she’d listen for my heart, imagining the place inside she’d dug
For the warmth she couldn’t see, i’d show her with a big hug.

Would I also be a star, just like mom, she’d ask.
I’d tell her not to wait, that wasn’t much of a task.
She was already one for me, radiating with happiness.
Even when all else in the world, was nothing but a mess.

She’d make life worth living, was the reason to survive.
I’d give her all, for matching her needs, I’d strive.
But she’d ask for a spot, in the field where the stars live.
For a spot near mom, to watch over me, she’d pray give.

She’d think night is when, they would come awake,
to watch over their favourites, and admire in a lake.
Reflections of themselves, distorted by the world.
Glowing with happiness, surrounded by many a bird.

And when they’d long for love, they’d look at the one.
The one that they’d lived for, who’d be hidden by the sun.
For the cruel morning star, would curse them and blind,
So they couldn’t watch the people, to them who’d been kind.

She said she’d be set free, free from the darkness.
What she’d grown up with, and called her blackness.
Such were the dreams of this little kid, to one day
have the vision to watch over their love, in such a way.

When she’d did get her wish though, untimely as it was,
I’d failed to understand, how cruel were these laws.
But i hope she’s happy now, that she’s got her wish.
And that she’s left me shattered, with so much to miss.

Now all i do is look, and watch for those shooting stars,
And hope that they might be, the very cure to my scars.
Wish that she comes back, no matter in what form.
And that is why i wander, through many a ponderous storm.

I need to know if it’s her, the last one that i spotted.
Streaking across the canvas, the one that is dotted.
And i will keep searching. For find her i will, for sure
that is. One way or another, my world will again be whole.

I’ll join her in the sky, blinding in and out of existence.
Ask me if it does, and i’ll tell you it makes sense.
That i must end with her, this survival that hurts.
And know that joy one last time, that i can’t put in words.

In death, as in life, she has been all that i know.
Starving and broken, not long will my life grow.
And so i follow my fancy, and keep walking on.
Still believing, that she might finally have come this morn.

