Announcing Rage: Your Real Dislike Button

Jonathan Shieber
Rage Times
Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2015
Yup! This is it!

1. Why Rage?

In a world of constant curation, it’s good to have a place to Rage.That’s basically the idea behind our first app, launching today.

All of us here at Ten Machines Corp. (your Rage creators) have been fascinated by anonymous messaging, and the way it shows the power and peril of social media.

With Rage, we’re hoping to find a way to harness that, keeping the benefits of free and anonymous speech while trying to curb some of the abuses that often are associated with it.

At the same time, we hope to give a voice to frustration.

We think everyone should be able to speak freely, and in our curated, self-filtering, fire-walled world, sometimes the only way to do that is to speak anonymously.

Maybe your boss is being a jerk. Maybe you’re worried about global warming.

Maybe you stepped on a lego. Whether it’s in response to new restrictions from websites that limit speech, or just the inability to get out the day-to-day frustrations that come with living in the modern world, Rage is here to be an outlet.

We don’t know what Rage is going to become… That’s up to the users… And we wouldn’t want it any other way.

2. How to Rage?

The app is, we hope, pretty simple to use. Log in using a Twitter account and then create an anonymous (or semi-anonymous… or not-at-all anonymous) avatar.

Enter a few likes and dislikes (real or imagined) and then log on. You’re instantly connected with another user and you can Rage at them about whatever, whenever, and wherever you want.

You can also add your own topics to the app as you wish. Get a community talking — and raging — about daily frustrations, or the state and fate of the world.

It’s up to you.

You can upvote and downvote topics so the ones that are most interesting to the community are presented first. And we’ll be posting a series of daily Rages ourselves about the things that really piss us off.

3. Who is Rage?

Where else would you start a company called Rage except on a road trip?.

I’d gone to Romania to speak to startups about pitching to media and investors and while I was there I met my cofounders, Bogdan and Mihai. We were all interested in getting a project off the ground, and Rage seemed like the ideal thing to do.

Our first thoughts were to create a place that was uncurated, unencumbered by the dictated niceties of other social media sites (and traffic on the road was awful).

Working with those guys has been a great experience… I can’t wait to see what we … and you… the Rage community, come up with next!.

Help us out. Rage it out!.



Jonathan Shieber
Rage Times

Tweets on venture capital, private equity, technology, emerging markets, energy and occasionally everything else. email: shieber at techcrunch dot com