Ragtag team profiles: Meet Ashley LeBlanc

Kathy Utley
Ragtag notes
Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2017

Intake & Engagement Team

Ashley LeBlanc is a volunteer intake lead with Ragtag. She has the enviable job of talking to many of the new Ragtag volunteer applicants, learning about their skill sets, and introducing them to Ragtag. She’s a San Francisco native who recently moved to Boise, Idaho to be closer to her mother. Ashley recently returned to college at Boise State University to complete her degree in Media Communications. Additionally, she is taking classes through Code Camp learning front end web development.

Ashley devotes about 5 to 10 hours a week volunteering with Ragtag’s Intake & Engagement Team. She helps manage our intake volunteers, schedule interviews, vet potential members and conduct interviews. She has an human resources and recruiting background. Leblanc explains, “While I’m still learning and building my tech skills, Ragtag has an incredibly supportive community and I am happy that I can contribute with my existing background to the people ops team.”

Ashley lives in Boise, Idaho with her husband Daniel, their two-year-old son, Ronin, and two rescue pit bulls, Dice and Baby Girl. She talked a little about politics and the reason why she wanted to join the Ratag Team.

“I was actually raised in a very conservative household. My grandmother, however, was a Democrat and I spent most of my time growing up with her and learned a lot from her.”

“I’m very passionate about women’s rights, immigration issues, healthcare and equality.” Ashley continued, “I was building my tech skills around the time of the election and I wanted to find a way to use my new skills to contribute to an organization that represented my beliefs and would be giving liberal groups a voice. I needed to find something remote and was feeling isolated since I’m living in a red state for the first time in my life.”

In addition to Ragtag, Ashley is involved with the college Dems at BSU as well as an organization called “Generation Action” which focuses on women’s reproductive rights. Ashley, a self-described “Millennial”, explained why she wanted to join Ragtag.

“I want my Ragtag team members to know that I am so proud of this organization as a whole. Our entire team is inspiring. Being a part of Ragtag has helped keep me motivated to finish my studies and to improve my own skills. In return, I am learning new ways to help this awesome team.” Ragtag is grateful for Ashley’s hard work and dedication to building a great online tech community.



Kathy Utley
Ragtag notes

Lifelong Goofball, Lazy and Delightfully Weird, I am a Lover of all Creatures, Passionate about People, Writer, Activist, Progressive Christian, Widow