August Newsletter

Mark Ulrich
Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2018

Editor’s note: We are going to be publishing all of our monthly newsletters here on Medium as well as via email. To start off, we are posting lightly-edited updates from August and September.

To all our Raha supporters,

Welcome to the first ever Raha mid-month update, thanks for staying with us this far!

Check out, our revamped website! Raha’s goal is to support economic security for all by empowering individuals to mint their own basic income. To achieve this we want to make a fun and safe marketplace where people can use their trusted identity to share their unique skills. Any questions, opinions, or ideas — send us an email at to let us know! We love hearing from members, and want to do a better job of reaching out to all of you going forward.

We are working hard on our mobile apps, and have a beta available for Android with iOS coming soon. To participate in the mobile beta, please sign up here!

Thank you so much for joining us on this journey!

Mark, Omar, Rahul, and Tina

PS — Do you know how rich you are? The answer might surprise you! Check out this tool by Giving What We Can and learn how much you can make a difference.

Interested in getting these updates via email? You can subscribe here to the Raha monthly updates!

