boot2docker config

Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2017

View configs

All configurations of boot2docker vm can be viewed via following command with VBoxManage.

VBoxManage showvminfo “boot2docker-vm”

Enabling DNS proxy in NAT mode

By default boot2docker cannot access host file(/etc/hosts) configurations in host machine, to enable this following command can be used

VBoxManage modifyvm “boot2docker-vm” — natdnshostresolver1 on

Port forwarding

Incoming traffic for host machine tcp/udp ports can be forward to vm port by following command

# tcp rule
VBoxManage controlvm "boot2docker-vm" --natpf1 "tcp-port7070,tcp,,7070,,7070";
# udp rule
VBoxManage modifyvm "boot2docker-vm" --natpf1 "udp-port9090,udp,,9090,,9090";
# delete rule
VBoxManage modifyvm "boot2docker-vm" --natpf1 delete "tcp-port7070"

Connect to boot2docker

We can connects to boot2docker vm via ssh

boot2docker ssh

Config file

Boot2docker config file uses as the docker config


Following is an example config file content, in here I have defined two configurations(disable tls and define insecure registry)

Disable TLS

By default docker runs with TLS enable. To disable it add following content to boot2docker profile. More info


Insecure registry

Docker default supports for secure registries with TLS enable, to have insecure registries following content need to be added to boot2docker config file

EXTRA_ARGS=" —-insecure-registry="

Increase boot2docker vm size

boot2docker space and memory information can be defined in boot2docker profile at ~/.boot2docker/profile

# vm disk image size in MB (60GB)
DiskSize = 61440
# vm memory size in MB(6GB)
Memory = 6144

To apply this configuration boot2docker need to be reinitialize.

# destroy running boot2docker
boot2docker stop
boot2docker destroy
# reinitialize
boot2docker init
boot2docker start

New configuration can be viewed from boot2docker

# connect to boot2docker
boot2docker ssh
# memory info
cat /proc/meminfo

