Configure SSL with Nginx

Happy devOps

3 min readSep 2, 2019


Nginx reverse proxy

Nginx can be use as a reverse proxy with SSL or without SSL. On my previous post I have discussed about configuring nginx as a reverse proxy without SSL. In this post I’m gonna discuss about configuring nginx as a reverse proxy with SSL. All the source codes which related to this post available on gitlab. Please clone the repo and continue the post.


I have two domains that needs to be serve with SSL through nginx. Architecture of the system show in following diagram. Requests come to redirects to http://lekana-api:7654 and requests come to redirects to https://siddhi-api:7655 via nginx. siddhi-api and lekana-api are simple REST APIs which built with golang.

Generate certificates

First I have generated SSL keys/certificates to lekana and siddhi services. I have used self signed certificates with own certificate authority in here. Following is the way to generate SSL certificates.

Nginx config

Then I have created nginx config files to serve lekana and siddhi domains. This config file defines the serving port, domain names, SSL certificate locations, and redirecting hosts.

Dockerize nginx

Then I have dockerized the nginx. Following is the nginx Dockerfile. It adds config files, server keys and certificate into the docker image.

Run services

I have three services nginx, lekana-api and siddhi-api. Following is the docker-compose.yaml file that I have used to run these services. I have used linked containers to communicate between nginx and API services.

Following is the way to start and run these services via docker-compose. If want you can start all the services at once by docker-compose up -d command.

Test services

To test the services in local environment I had to define and domains on /etc/hosts file with my local machine ip. Then the requests comes to those domains redirects to my local machine(in production environment I setup the domains with DNS server). Following are the entries I have added to /etc/hosts file.

I have tested the lekana-api and siddhi-api via curl. Since I have used self signed SSL certificates, I had to disable the security check on curl when doing the requests. Following is the way I have consumed the APIs.



