What are some benefits of being outdoors?

Rahul Arora
Rahul Arora
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2020
Benefits of being outdoors

Being outdoors is fun. It’s good for the brain, body, and soul. Scientific facts reveal that some outdoor time boosts our immunity, vision and creativity. It also works to let go of our pain. And the following are my discoveries. As a homebody, there is a lot I have learned about the importance of being outdoors.

It seems harmless to stay cooped up in your virtual life and take the same route to work every day. Weekend getaways to clubs and restaurants do feel good but they don’t come close to the experience the real outdoors brings in.

  • Relieve Stress

Walks are a must for weight management as well as for mental health benefits. According to The American Heart Association, walking is one of the best exercises out there. It burns fat and also stresses! Take a walk outdoors, or around your neighbourhood. Experience a shift in your mood and vibe instantly. You will feel more energized, positive, and well, yes, even happier. A good 15 minutes in the sunshine boost up your energy levels!

At times when I feel lazy to go out, I just let the sunshine on my soul.

  • Learn

Change in scenery allows us to observe the world we live in better. We learn so much being outdoors, that is why many psychologists tell that nature should be a key aspect in children’s development. It allows us to take in new sights, smells and in turn creates a new enriching vision to look at things.

  • A sense of independence

Heading outdoors on my own has helped me build character and an independent personality. Trust me, solo travel be it a visit back to your hometown or a place you’ve been to before with friends, is a challenging and beneficial experience. You learn how to take care of yourself. And the next time you plan a picnic with your friends you will have so many cool tricks up your sleeves. And so many stories to share.

  • Calm the mind and Gain focus

Outdoors scenes, lakes, trees, and mountains, birds have a soothing effect, the sublime scenery helps calm the mind! Ever wonder why people always look so happy in their travel stories. I, personally have found escape in travel be it from a bad breakup or simple boredom of routines. You realize most of the things you spend half your lives bitching about aren’t that bad, it’s just how you react to them is. Outdoors train you to focus on the big picture always.

  • Open to connection

Outdoors offer so much stimulation, that makes us observe things in a better way. People that are good observers can make friends without troubles. They just learn things you like or you don’t! There is no better teacher than outdoors to teach you this superpower. Travelling to remote destinations with a complete contrast of culture and lifestyle has made me more empathic. I am also able to make connections quite easily now with humans, animals, and my surroundings.

Ever notice how your girlfriends smile way better when you shoot a genuine compliment at them before taking their pictures?

Outdoors have been my free therapy to overcome loneliness, social anxiety and break free from my need of co-dependency. I hope you find value in my experience.



Rahul Arora
Rahul Arora

MBA (Digital Marketing), He is still exploring the real world.