About Rai Finance: FAQ

RAI Finance
RAI Finance
Published in
4 min readNov 23, 2020

What is Rai Finance?

Rai Finance is a project to establish a decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem based on Polkadot blockchain. Rai Finance, combined with Polkadot’s cross-chain technology, is established to complement the problems of building DeFi-based digital assets and supplying liquidity to existing distributed financial ecosystems.

Our key team members are veterans who have worked in the blockchain industry for at least three years each, and have established and operated the industry’s top consulting firm, Layer 1 Protocol, dApp and Decentralized exchange (DEX).

Our core technology partner, Wizpace, is the founder of the League of Traders, a Korean-based social trading application, and the world’s first EOS-based decentralization exchange DEXEOS, which could integrate technological superiority and user base into Rai Finance.

Rai Finance has attracted strategic investment from the world’s leading crypto funds such as NGC Ventures and AlphabIt.

The name RAI was originated from The Rai Stones, which were basically huge stone wheels used as currency on the island of Yap. They were considered as one of the very first currency model that were used in the human history. We wanted to boost our finance protocol by naming us with this, by connecting various digital currencies in different blockchains powered by Polkadot.

What is Rai Finance Solutions

1) Secure off chain transactions — we can improve off chain transactions while implementing ZKP.

2) Cross chain asset capability — we will be launched as parachain on Polkadot which allows the protocol to increase the number of supported assets with cross chain compatibility.

3) Unique assets — including tokenized trading strategies, yield generating strategies, future financial strategies.

What is Technical Advantage

The technical advantage of our product is that we’re a two-way DEFI platform with AMM and DEX in the form of an order book. This protocol will be integrated based on Polkadot, which will solve the Scalability and Sustainability issues of existing DeFi platforms. In addition, social trading features using Token Basket Function will provide new values that platform users could not enjoy on other DeFi products.

about social trading or other features

Why Rai Finance choose Polkadot?

It’s almost becoming a cliche to talk about scalability. However, to step forward to the real future of Decentralized Finance, it’s inevitable to address scalability issue. we’ve been watching all the industry trend all the way from 2017 and DeFi was also not an exception. We’re currently weighing on Polkadot because it has stronger vision than other alternative public chains including 1)Scalability 2)Interoperability — yes. we’re concentraing on cross-chain asset availability as well. 3) Strong support on DeFi applications.

RAI Finance will combine with the cross-chain compatibility of the Polkadot ecosystem, to achieve the multiple assets and more liquidity. As one of the Polkadot ecosystem, we are positively connecting with other Polkadot projects and communities.

Who is our competitor?

Our direct competitors are all the AMM based DeFi applications. However, if we consider the end goal of our product is 2 way interface with AMM and order book type DEX, we think we have distinguished segment at this point of time.

Where is Rai Finance based?

We have a global team base, our core team is based in U.S, Korea and China. Major part of our team are based in Korea. Of course you can use RAI Finance globally as our protocol is Decentralized protocol. We will be very careful when we launch new function to comply jurisdictions.

All of our team members are veteran in this industry and been following this market very well. Personally, we had been working in blockchain consulting firm more than 2 years and worked with 25 top-notch projects such as Hedera Hashgraph. Our marketing personnels are coming from well known layer 1 protocol, Ontology. and our core technical partner is a founder of world’s first DEX based on EOS.

Community expansion/ Marketing plan

RAI Finance has builded its official social media channels, we will do two major marketing campaigns in coming 3 months.

1. Focus on community engagement, we will post more content to help crypto community know more about RAI. In addition, we will do more community engagement related event, like AMA.

2. Globalization. In order to build global community, we are positivbely connecting with crypto community leaders, we will work on multi-language white paper and more content recently.

Token Economics & Sale plan

Our native token is RAI, an utility token on top of Rai Finance platform. Total circulation of RAI is 1 Billion. RAI token will be used for mining, ecosystem, community and team rewards. More details will be disclosed soon.

We just closed our initial round of private investment from funds such as NGC Ventures, Alphabit. For the exact ratio of whole token metrics, we’re happy to share to you once we have more concrete distribution plan of RAI.

For the public sale — nothing is disclosed by far. To get up-to-date info, please follow us on https://t.me/RaiFinance.


Q3 2020, Released whitepaper 1.0
Q4 2020, Successfully attracted 1.5M USD strategic investment led by NGC Ventures and Alphabit.
Q4 2020, MVP of Rai Protocol will be launched in public
Q2 2021, Official platform launching on Polkadot
Q3 2021, Unique asset integration
Q4 2021, Social trading feature integration with full functionality



RAI Finance
RAI Finance

RAI Finance is a decentralized finance application that provides digital asset users with social trading system, aggregated swap on heterogeneous blockchains