RAI Finance Beta3.0 is Officially Released

Intro: Aggregation transaction function is added and test event with awards is open

RAI Finance
RAI Finance
4 min readOct 27, 2021


Dear RAI Finance community members,

We are glad to announce that after the release of Beta 2.0, we’ve received active tests and attention, giving valuable suggestions and improvement directions for our product iterations.

During the Beta2.0 public test event, we received in-depth usage from nearly 6000 users and around 4000 investment portfolios have been created. In the meanwhile, RAI Finance team has been continuously conducting product development, and has completed the development of the new function of ‘aggregation transaction’. Now, our Beta 3.0 version is officially released.

What has been updated in Beta 3.0?

  1. Polygon test net has been added.
  2. Aggregation transaction function has been added, and deployed on both Rinkeby and Polygon test net.
  3. Multiple asset transaction pairs have been added.

In order to motivate more users to join our Beta 3.0 product test, and perfect our product details, we would like to extend our sincere invitation toward our community members around the world to join our Beta 3.0 test event and rewards have been prepared for the participants.

Please claim test tokens according to the following steps before participating in this section of the public test event.

  1. Each address can get 100 USDT Ethereum Rinkeby test tokens through the “test token faucet” of Beta 3.0 version product.

Go to the faucet: https://betapro.rai.finance/#/ and click the “Get Test Token” on the top.

Besides, due to the current situation of the polygon network, if you need Polygon network test token, please to the official test token faucet of Polygon: https://faucet.polygon.technology/

2. Follow RAI’s official Twitter 【@RaiFinance】and join the official Telegram group 【https://t.me/RaiFinance】. After completing this, you can get 100 USDT more test tokens through the test token faucet of the test products.

If you don’t see the test tokens in your wallet, please check whether the address is correct.

Event 1: Investment Portfolio Competition

Time : SGT October 27th 18:00 — November 3rd 18:00, 2021

Users can claim a number of test tokens to participate in the STS(Social Trading System) product test on Rinkeby network.

Please claim test tokens according to the following steps before participating in this section of the public test event.

  1. Each address can get 100 USDT Ethereum Rinkeby test tokens through the “test token faucet” of Beta 3.0 version product.

Go to the faucet: https://betapro.rai.finance/#/ and click the “Get Test Token” on the top.

2. Follow RAI’s official Twitter 【@RaiFinance】and join the official Telegram group 【https://t.me/RaiFinance】. After completing this, you can get 100 USDT more test tokens through the test token faucet of the test products.

*If you don’t see the test tokens in your wallet, please check whether the address is correct.

During the test, among the investment managers who create investment portfolios through the Social Trading System(STS), the top 3 with the highest weekly yields will get 800, 500 and 300 main net RAI rewards. For users with a follow-up investment amount of more than 50 USDT per week,5 lucky users will be randomly selected and each of them will receive 200 main net RAI awards.

Guidance: https://rai-finance.gitbook.io/rai-finance-cn/guideline/sts

*Rewards will be settled and distributed within 5 working days after the completion of the public test campaign.

Event 2: Aggregator Test

Users can claim a number of test tokens to participate in the Aggregator section test on Polygon or Rinkeby network. Anyone who completes 5 valid purchase and sale orders, may have the chance to get the event rewards below.

Please claim test tokens according to the following steps before participating in this section of the public test event.

  1. Rinkeby network test token

Step 1: Go to https://faucet.rinkeby.io/ to claim ETH

Step 2: With the claimed test tokens, user can go to Aggregator section of RAI Finance and transfer them into USDT via USDT-WETH pair. Then users can participate freely in the transaction pairs tests of USDT to other ERC20s.

2. Polygon test network(Mumbai)test token

Step 1: Go to Polygon test network, Mumbai, https://faucet.polygon.technology/ , to claim MATIC.

Step 2: With the claimed Mumbai network Matic, user can go to Aggregator section of RAI Finance and transfer them into USDT via USDT-WMATIC pair. Then users can participate freely in the transaction pairs tests of USDT to other ERC20s.

Aggregator User Guide: [link]

Reward 1: Users who participated in the test will get exclusive mining pool after RAI Finance products are deployed to the main network.

*Pleased be noted: Detailed rules and rewards will be released after we deploy to the main network.

Reward 2: Lucky users

RAI Finance team expects to see more suggestions from our global community and let’s work together to boost the vision of Web 3.0.

If you have any questions during the event, you can join RAI Finance community for communication and inquiry.

About RAI Finance

RAI Finance supports the issuance and trading of tokenized assets, NFTs, and various decentralized assets. It is a project that aims to secure cross-chain compatibility, high scalability, and low fees through integration into the Polkadot network. RAI Finance’s main partners include League of Traders, Wizpace, the founders of DEXEOS, and STP Network, a smart contract asset tokenization platform.

Follow the RAI Finance public channels for future updates

▪ Official Website: https://rai.finance

▪ Medium: https://medium.com/rai-finance

▪ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RaiFinance

▪ Telegram: https://t.me/RaiFinance

▪ Github: https://github.com/RaiFinance

▪ RAI weibo:https://weibo.com/u/7583482257

▪ WeChat official account:RAI协议中文社区



RAI Finance
RAI Finance

RAI Finance is a decentralized finance application that provides digital asset users with social trading system, aggregated swap on heterogeneous blockchains