Recap: RAI Finance Product Demo

Kevin Lee explained the demo version of its product. Here is a recap that outlines the video.

RAI Finance
RAI Finance
3 min readFeb 26, 2021


According to data from Dune analytics, the total number of whole DeFi users is currently at 1m. Comparing it to traditional financial applications such as Venmo (40m), eToro (13m) Is a still very tiny market.

As we’ve been observing, institutions such as Greyscale tries to become a major player in the cryptocurrency market. It will be a positive signal for cryptocurrency to be considered the major asset class in the near future.

So, in short, we have a powerful thesis around DeFi market appreciation, as there is huge room to grow.

Today, I would like to introduce four key features of RAI Finance.

1.IDO (Initial DEX Offering)

Here’s an IDO product where users can participate in offering using DOT or RAI. We can source promising Polkadot ecosystem projects in the market and offer IDO on this platform. It can be 100% available upon our hard launching of the product portal as we have a complete code base and KYC system. We’ve observed other players, such as Polkastarter. They are doing an excellent job on IDO. We’re differentiating ourselves from those competitors by having the most renowned and reliable project sourcing network such as NGC Ventures, Alphabit.

2.Rai Swap

It’s a cross-chain asset swap function with better UI/UX and a better liquidity pool. By populating more liquidity on RaiSwap, RAI liquidity Incentive pools can incentivize participants via RAI liquidity Incentive pools, which is more than 35% of RAI's total circulation. Initial deployment of RaiSwap will be on top of Moonbeam (EVM compatible parachain on top of Polkadot). Our methodology on user and liquidity adoption is very much similar to other platforms. Still, we can additionally use our institutional investors as well as the trading volume base of League of Traders to bootstrap the initial ignition.

3.STS (Social Trading System)

This is a social trading system connected to RAI Finance with the integration between RaiDEX and STS. RaiDEX will be the first DEX with a social trading system. This system will display the leaderboard of top traders and contains information such as profit, loss status of top traders, his/her trading style, his/her token investment distribution. This can allow the end-users to get more excitement on their secure and free digital asset transaction. Also, by integrating the social trading system in our DEX, Rai Finance will be the first DEX with a social trading system.

With those key functions, RAI token will be used in various scenarios such as incentive in liquidity pool in Swap, transaction fee in the DEX,
and unique asset generation fee, function usage fee in Social trading system, etc.

In short, we are a DeFi platform on top of Polkadot, which is well prepared in terms of technology and on the business side.

Thank you for being with me on our product demo, and feel free to let us know if you shall have any feedback. Thank you very much.



RAI Finance
RAI Finance

RAI Finance is a decentralized finance application that provides digital asset users with social trading system, aggregated swap on heterogeneous blockchains