Welcoming second phase tasks for RAI Finance internal Beta Brain Trust

Introduction: Participate in the test and receive a share of the 100,000 RAI rewards

RAI Finance
RAI Finance
3 min readAug 31, 2021


*Please read before participating in the event

· Only users who have successfully registered for the second phase of the RAI Finance “Internal Beta Brain Trust” can participate in the test for this event.

· The BetaPro product is available in English and Korean

· Please confirm that your ETH Rinkeby address is in the registration list: [The Registration Successful List will be announced on September 5th] to verify the success of your registration.

Rule of Activity

1. How to register?

This beta testing event is limited to the participants of the RAI Finance Phase I & Phase II Internal Beta Brain Trust

To sign up for the internal beta Brain Trust, read [Article 1 — https://medium.com/rai-finance/rai-finance-launches-the-first-internal-beta-brain-trust-recruitment-plan-83b8d2803ca2] for details

2. How to get test coins

All users who successfully sign up for the internal Beta Brain Trust will receive the 10000 USDT test coin before 12:00 on Sep 6, 2021 UTC+8 time. Please confirm in the ETH wallet Rinkeby test chain.

3. How to conduct testing tasks

BetaPro version product test address: [https://betapro.rai.finance/#/]

This event will be divided into 2 main tasks, and you will earn points upon completion of designated tasks. The more points you earn, the more opportunities you will have to receive rewards.

Event Start Time: 13 PM UTC+8 Time, September 6th, 2021

Event Ends Time: 13 PM UTC+8 Time, September 20th, 2021

Task A: [RAI Finance Check-in Mission]

*This task is required

Rules: All users participating in the event are required to complete the following missions within the event period (2 weeks)

Mission A1: Purchase IDO

Use test coins to purchase IDO test items

[User guides + IDO rules —https://app.gitbook.com/@rai-finance/s/rai-finance/how-to-guides/ido]

Check-in task A2: Participate in liquidity mining

Use test coins to authorize, join, and withdraw liquidity

[User guides — https://rai-finance.gitbook.io/rai-finance/how-to-guides/farm]

Check-in task A3: Complete DEX transaction

Use test coins for trade (buy+sell) supported trading pairs in DEX

[User guides — https://rai-finance.gitbook.io/rai-finance/how-to-guides/dex]

Task Line B: [Everyone is a Billionaire]

This task is optional. All internal beta users can freely use the STS (Social Trading) function based on the following. The platform will rank accounts based on the income and amount of funds in each Portfolio, and top-ranked accounts will be rewarded according to the reward guideline.

Mission B1: Use the STS section to create a portfolio

Mission B2: Use the STS section to co-invest in other people’s trading portfolios

【User guides — https://rai-finance.gitbook.io/rai-finance/how-to-guides/sts】

4. Reward Guideline

  • Task A

Winning conditions: Within the Internal Beta time period, valid completion of A1, A2, A3 missions can be rewarded.

Award: 300 RAI/person

  • Task Line B
In the table, “U” means USDT on the test net.

Find bugs

If you find any bugs during the test or have any suggestions, please submit them at the link below


The RAI Finance technical team will determine the quality of submitted feedback and may distribute certain rewards based on the following three levels:

First level recommendation: 2000 RAI/person
Second-level recommendation: 800 RAI/person
Three-level recommendation: 200 RAI/person

Activity notice:

1. This test activity uses the Rinkeby test chain test currency issued by the RAI Finance team, and other assets are currently not available for testing

2. Test users can only use their own test coins to conduct on-site test activities. Please do not transfer coins to each other. Transferring coins to each other will be considered cheating, and no rewards will be issued and result in disqualification.

3. If you have any questions during the event, you can join the RAI Finance community for exchanges and inquiries

Follow the RAI Finance public channels for future updates

▪ Official Website: https://rai.finance
▪ Medium: https://medium.com/rai-finance
▪ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RaiFinance
▪ Telegram: https://t.me/RaiFinance
▪ Github: https://github.com/RaiFinance



RAI Finance
RAI Finance

RAI Finance is a decentralized finance application that provides digital asset users with social trading system, aggregated swap on heterogeneous blockchains