RAID Official
Published in
4 min readMar 6, 2019


Hello, RAID community!

In this post, we will explain the Ripple Protocol Consortium Algorithm (RPCA), which is the agreement structure of RAID Chain, and Testnet based on RPCA.

Ripple Protocol Consortium Agreement Structure

The Ripple Protocol Consortium Algorithm (RPCA) is an agreement structure applied to ripple. Currently, the total market capitalization is about $ 13.56 billion (about 15 trillion won). (Coinmarketcap 19.02.21) It is known as the most stable ‘Private Blockchain’. The greatest feature of a private blockchain is that only pre-selected nodes can participate. It is not only very stable, but also very fast. It takes about 10 minutes for bitcoin and approx. 20 seconds in a single transaction, but Ripple takes less than 4 seconds. And the transaction fee is much smaller than the other coin, so you do not have to consider it.

Taking these advantages into account, RAID is developing a platform optimized for the game data ecosystem by leveraging RPCA open source.

If you want to know more about RPCA, please see the link below.

1. Overview of Ripple Protocol



Definition of Test net

Have you heard of the term ‘Test net’? Test net is an environment where users can develop, run, test programs. Therefore, you can try various tests such as exchanging coins within the test net. Indeed, all block chains on the test net are not related to the main net at all. Coins with the main net such as Ethernet TestNet and Binary TestNet essentially support the test net. Although the test net is independent of the main net, most of the main net and test net are operated together in order to operate the main net in more stable way, such as checking operation and collecting feedback from users.

Let’s take a closer look at how RAID Testnet is configured.

Test Net Components

RAID Test Net

You can check the progress of test net in real time by accessing the link above.

1. Ledgers

Ledger verifies how the real-time transactions happening on the current RAID Chain are recorded.

Version: A unique number generated per transaction. Click to see more details in the transaction.

Created: The time of the transaction.

Tx count: The output value of the transaction. Since the new transaction input refers to the output of the previous transaction, the Tx value increases with time.

2. Transaction

You can check ‘transactions’ at the bottom of the site. The test net is constantly trading between multiple wallets and details are displayed in each transaction information.

Hash: A list of digits in the 64-digit hexadecimal representation of the hash value. A hash means ‘converting some data to fixed length data’. So, we can see through the hash function that the original data has been replaced with a special numeric string that can not be recognized.

From To: The wallet address to which the transfer was made and the wallet address to which the transfer was made will be displayed.

RAID : The rightmost RAID represents the amount of RAID tokens traded.

3. Transactions details

If you click on one of the transaction records listed in Transactions, you can see the details as shown below.

Sequence: Height of the block. All blocks created in the blockchain are sequenced and numbered in order. Therefore, a block with a sequence of 0 is a genesis block.

Ledger Version: A unique number generated per transaction.

From: Sender address.

To: Recipient wallet address.

Type: There are several transaction types in RPCA. Payment, OfferCreate, and OfferCancel, which are simple remittances, representing Payment unique values.

Amount: Indicates the amount transferred.

Status: tesSUCCESS indicates that the transaction was successful. If it fails, it will be denoted as tef.

4. Account

Click wallet address to see the balance in each wallet.

So far, we have looked at the RPCA and the RAID chain test net that makes up the RAID chain.

Some might want to check more than the status of the test net. However, the stability of the RAID chain on the test net is important. Historically, IT services can operate additional programs only on top of their stable infrastructure. The reason people around the world can use computers and smartphones is that they have a stable Internet. When a blockchain network operates reliably, it will combine with centralized services using its strengths. Starting with the test net, the RAID chain will fully support the development of the game data industry.

We will do our best to achieve our vision of “To create better game experiences for everyone” based on the most optimized chain of game data ecosystem.

Thank you.

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