⚔️ State of the Raid 🔥 June

Updating you on the Latest Happenings at Raid Guild!

Sam Baurle
Raid Guild
6 min readJul 1, 2021


Welcome back, raiders, apprentices, and travelers of the Metaverse 🌌!

This is your State of the Raid update for the month of June, where long days reign and sunshine blooms. Let us show you around! Plenty has happened this month inside of RaidGuild. ⚔️

RaidGuild is a respectable and lively cohort of technical/non-technical freelancers. As a consequence of our labor, we are creating a silhouette for the future of work, and in our pursuits to slay client’s Web3 product demons, we are unified.

With that said, let’s dance.

🧙‍♀️ Season 1 Update 🧙‍♀️

Since our last State of the Raid in May, Season1 apprentices continue to impress. Here are some shillable achievements from Season1 raiders this month:

  • Isaac Pakta’s ‘EIP1271 Message Signing with a DAO’ explores the diligent work undertaken as part of the Season1 RIP, addressing communication between NFT Marketplaces and DAOs through single ETH wallets and minon contracts. Read in full here.
  • Jonathanp designed the SporkDAO landing page for ETHDenver! As a multi-faceted member of the Guild, his efforts were crucial in realizing the launch party of $SPORK and NFT Art Bazar last weekend. Be sure to check out the great job he did here.
  • LadyLaurenGrace crafted a beautiful POAP badge for Season1 cohorts that engaged with ongoing raids. Nice one, Lauren!

100p confidence, Season 1 was entirely kick-ass. We expect to be sharing more as we build through this ♨️ DAO summer.

✍️ Wordsmiths

Fear not, Wordsmiths of the Ether stand Idle by your side, offering ink and a swift pen to manifest the stories and realities of your community.

This is a grand reveal: Wordsmiths! Originating as Bau’s brainchild, Wordsmiths spawned in the bowels of RaidGuild and the mission lives on to demystify the complexity of web3 and DAOs.

We are six meetings in and eleven members strong! Expect to hear more from the cohort as Wordsmiths grows. The pen is no less mighty than that of the sword. ⚔️

Feast your eyes on the Manifesto, you dig 👀 ?

Quick Overview of Guild Stats 📈 Comment

  • 98 Guild members
  • 8 Guild Improvement Protocols (In Progress)
  • 26 Client Raids (In Progress)

🗣 Embracing and Extending Community 🗣

$SPORK, SporkDAO and ETHDenver 2021

Last weekend, we witnessed live on Twitch the birth of a highly anticipated SporkDAO. This was a momentous occasion and great step forward for ETHDenver to edge toward a truly community-owned and governed festival.

SPORK rewards were distributed to all previous attendees and sponsors 30-minutes into the NFT Art Bazaar and virtual gallery event, held on Saturday, June 26th in Denver, CO!

SPORK is used by community members to share and participate in governance to grow the mission of SporkDAO and its prongs (Bufficorn Ventures, Colorado Jam, ETHDenver, Community).

If you are interested, we encourage you to check out the official SporkDAO website and join the discord. That is what SPORK is all about!

EthCC 4 — Post-COVID

In just over a fortnight, Europe’s leading Ethereum conference is set to begin in Paris, France: EthCC 4. Boom. Packed to the brim with three days of intense conferences, EthCC houses some of Web3’s biggest names — across DAOs, NFT marketplaces and DeFi — as they talk the trade of ETH.

Tickets are unfortunately all out, but it’s an exciting time nontheless — you don’t want to miss it! Check out the event and its awesome list of speakers here.

NFT Vision Hack Comment

A big hackathon is about to take place in July: NFT Vision Hack. Featuring $68k in prizes and supported by Rarible, IPFS, FileCoin and other notable organisations, NFT Vision Hack invites creatives and engineers to compete over developing solutions to projects or protocols, and continuing to push the capabilities of NFTs.

This should be really exciting, so if you want in be sure to take a look here.

Internal Raids (RIPs) — — ䷢In-Progress ䷢

Continuing with developments from last month, RIPs are looking healthy and show promise within the growing RaidGuild ecosystem. In the last State of the Raid, we reflected on the birth of Smart Invoice. Let’s take a look at what has happened across the month of June:

Skill Trees 𐂷

Skill Trees — the tool that enables attestation and certificate granting between Guild members through NFTs — is coming on nicely. We are now at the stage of developing a front end and Solidity support for this nifty Guild Instrument. Watch this space 👀

Product Suite 🍠

Jaqi and her band of archers are currently firing away at the Dungeon Master UX: the unified project that aims at creating a CMS and a secure interface for RaidGuild members to interact with for coordinating on projects.

Her cohort did a smashing job on the wireframe, and now they are modeling a working prototype for future usability testing. We can only imagine how dope this will be for our future products! As always, the Guild puts its best foot forward. 👠

Reflecting on Growth & Vision for Continuing Growth 💪 Comment

As Season1 comes to a close, conversations about “wen Season2” have begun to bubble up. This is a wonderful position for us to be in.

Prior to Season1, nobody could have foreseen the dramatic uptake from prospective apprentices, which suggests that the future of work is already here — we’re living it! In light of our exciting work, RaidGuild builds diligently and strives to create a better tomorrow.

Enough about Season1 — what about Season0?

Well, the OG cohort had a meeting this week to decide on what to do with its original sandbox DAO. Members agreed that the DAO should be preserved in some fashion.

Will it be for governance, or for future interactions with Season1 DAO (and beyond) ?

In case you haven’t done so already, be sure to join us over at the Castle Walls on Discord. We are always bustling with activity across the Barracks and within the Town Hall.

Perhaps you too will join our collective of mercenaries one day — we would love to have you!

On a Final Note — Blood of Moloch?! 💉🍺

We get it. Why on earth would you want to drink Moloch’s blood? The supposed demon of the Web3 community, why would any self-respecting Guild member want a taste of his insipid origin (unless to draw upon it during a Raid)?

What if we told you… his blood is actually draught beer? And it’s quite tasty! Yup, one of our awesome raiders — Sasquatch — has only gone and made a batch of ‘Blood of Moloch’.

Fresh from the tap and crafted with a discerning eye, the Guild is enjoying Squatches’ professional brew in the June summer sun!

Perhaps Blood of Moloch will wash up somewhere on the streets of a romantic city…

Come to the DAOist event being held on July 23rd at Ground Control in Paris, France — you might find yourself upon a group of well groomed Raiders chatting about DAOs, web3, and the future of work.

If you haven’t already, please consider donating to the Moloch v3 Gitcoin Grant, or Baal.

Looking to earn some brownie points on your path to becoming a full Member and earning those 100 DAO shares? Share this newsletter on Twitter and drop a note in #shill channel on Discord — your sacrifice will be duly noted 🌟

Au revoir 🥂

Harry -

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