Why Token, Why Now ?

Raid Guild
Published in
4 min readAug 10, 2021

The ICO boom taught us that many projects launch a token then spend the money on whatever the hell they want, with little to no oversight. Of course the “plan” is always to build a thing, but many don’t actually make it to the building part, as we have seen time and time again.

Teams should not be asking for a blank check from the community and giving a vague timeline for maybe someday, building something.

Communities, DAOs or any group looking to tokenize its activities should focus on creating value first *beyond ideation* and get into the weeds of serving their community’s needs.

The members of RaidGuild have been building and shipping Web3 infrastructure, tools, and educational experiences for the community since wayyyyyy back in 2020. We never saw the need for a token prior to this moment.

RaidGuild has a track record of building and serving the Ethereum community and through the tokenomics sorcery that we are known for we now bring you 🔥 $RAID 🔥

$RAID: The Access Token of RaidGuild

So right about now you are probably asking:

But why does RaidGuild need a token ?

Let’s start by getting into what $RAID is going to be used for, why it was created, and how you can get involved with the launch of $RAID.

RaidGuild has scaled up rapidly over the past 18 months, but we still fail to keep up with demand for our web3 demon-slaying services. Our inbound funnel for client requests is overflowing with bull market ideas and YOLO projects that include the next big idea in DeFi, DAOs & NTFs.

We get it, people are excited, they want to move fast, break shit and capital is clearly flowing. We’re excited too. Yet without an increasing supply of Raiders joining our ranks those client requests grow stagnant or worse, they get rejected.

The Token

  • xDai Token Address: 0x18e9262e68cc6c6004db93105cc7c001bb103e49
  • Mainnet Token Address: 0x154e35c2b0024B3e079c5c5e4fC31c979c189cCB
  • Total Circulating Supply: 201,210,864

Main Use Case: Client Auction Queue

Bid with $RAID to raise proposals to the top of our client funnel. Knowing that you care enough to hold our tokens means a lot to us 😍 thus we want to give special attention to the people who believe in us enough to buy, steal, or otherwise accumulate $RAID tokens.

The RaidGuild devs have been building all kinds of infrastructure across the ecosystem, from Smart Invoice to OmniBridge, on xDai, Polygon, and beyond.

Now you can deposit $RAID into any proposal in the open bid system, pool funds together on a single proposal, and watch the projects you love rise to the top of the funnel.

The Future

The Auction Queue might be the first use case, but it’s definitely not the last.

We eat, sleep, and dream about slaying Moloch💪🏽

We’re here to combine the skills we’ve gained by being some of the best privateer coordination players there are with the ability to build public goods for the ecosystem. We want our incentives at RaidGuild to align with the wider Ethereum Community, this token will allow us to do exactly that.

We’re already thinking about what’s next.

First, we need to fund more Guilders joining our ranks. Training, outfitting, and on-boarding fresh Web3 mercenaries ain’t cheap or easy but through our Cohort program we have been able to activate a wide range of Ethereum curious developers, designers, and everything in between. With this influx of interest we can train the next 100, 1000, or even 1 million developers /builders of Ethereum.

Raid Shipped 🚢

If you’re reading this and you are a client, member, or an ally of the Guild, check your xDAI wallet because $RAID has already been sent to you!

We wanted to ensure that everyone who collaborated with the Guild received a reasonable reward for contributing to the success of RaidGuild.

You can check to see if you made the list Here & Here 📃

Then head over to the new Hire Us portal, where you can bid with $RAID and put the token to use https://hireus.raidguild.org/.

Join the conversation on our server (https://discord.gg/xkKsDMbBhy) and go forth and share this article with friends who might benefit from a little $RAID in their lives ♨

~ en garde la collaboration 🤺

