Discord Bot Updates + New Epic Reward

Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2017

Update Jan 2018: Managing your guild reward is now done via your Raidbots account page and is way simpler!

lithium_ has been hard at work on the Raidbots Discord Bot and we’ve got some improvements and extra Patreon rewards for you.

Epic Patron Reward — Guild Server Priority for Epic Patrons

If you are an Epic patron, you can now assign one Discord server to receive a new reward — everyone in your guild Discord gets to skip the line when using the bot. This also raises some limits on number of sims/hour that you can make using the bot to make sure you don’t get throttled. The only limitation is that your Discord server cannot have more than 100 users.

(Removed old info on command that is no longer available)

For info on setting up the guild reward, visit https://medium.com/raidbots/guild-discord-reward-management-update-f285c2ef1905

Set a Default WoW Realm

You can now tell the bot what your default server is and it will remember it for you across all of Discord.

Fun fact: bearcats smell like buttered popcorn

To set up a default, use the -defaultserver command:

!raidbots -defaultserver us/malganis

Once you have that, you can just sim using the name of a character on that server:

!raidbots seriallos

All the flags work normally when using the short form:

!raidbots seriallos -s -i 25000

If you want to sim a character on another realm but within the same region, the bot is smart enough to use your default region:

!raidbots maelstrom/todd (this will use my default US region)

Setting up a default server with the bot will override channel-specific defaults.

If you want to remove the default, you can run !raidbots -defaultserver delete

