Patch 8.3: Droptimizer and Gear Compare

Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2020


Droptimizer and Gear Compare have been updated with some basic corruption functionality.

Corruption drops are very random so be very careful when trying to decide on bonus rolls. N’Zoth will foil your schemes every time.

Let’s get to the pictures!

You can search in that corruption dropdown because I’m thoughtful like that
Yes, you can set up ridiculous sims. Don’t abuse it. I won’t be mad, I’ll just be disappointed.
Raidbots does not recommend raiding with 80 corruption.
It’s Gear Compare

The Details

Droptimizer has a couple things to note:

  • “Corruption: Default” sims the exact loot table of the boss which will include corruption on specific weapons. Weapons without an “innate” corruption will not have anything added.
  • “Corruption: Remove All Corruption” is the same as above but the corrupted weapons will have it removed. Useful if the weapon would otherwise put you above your own safety threshold.
  • Choosing a specific corruption will apply that to all valid options (it won’t overwrite a specific corrupted weapon or add corruption to Azerite)

My opinion is that “Default” or “Remove All Corruption” are the main modes to use since you can actually make bonus roll decisions based on that.

There’s no way to target getting a specific corruption on a specific piece of your gear so you’ll probably want to focus on the best base items. When corruption actually shows up on random pieces, you can use Top Gear to figure out the best arrangement of items for your personal “safe” total corruption threshold.

More Socket Simming

I’ve also broadened the availability of the socket option on Droptimizer so it will show up for raids and world bosses. However, I’ve also reduced the statistics shown when simming drops that require multiple random rolls (boss drops this item AND this item rolls a socket) since Droptimizer doesn’t accurate numbers in those cases.

You should generally make decisions based on base boss drops, especially early in the patch. Trying to “aim” for an item that depends on multiple dice rolls is usually a trap.

Full details on this change: Droptimizer & Multiple Roll Drops

Corruption Game Data Reference

Finally, I’ve added some reference tables for corruption bonus IDs if you ever find yourself in need on Raidbots Developers. I’m sorry if you need this page.

