Preserved Contaminant Updates

Published in
3 min readMay 24, 2020

Bigger selections, fewer browser slowdowns, and Top Gear navigation that should’ve been in place months ago.

I’ve spent the last few days rewriting some of the core code that generates combinations, especially when dealing with Preserved Contaminants. The result is that you can now create sims with far more contaminant possibilities and it shouldn’t bring your browser to its knees when doing so.

The quick version is that I’ve blown the lid off the size of Contaminant sims so you can select waaaaaaaaaay more than previously. Contaminant combinations get incredibly big very fast so you will need to exercise restraint when setting a sim up.

I’ve also made some long overdue quality of life UI tweaks on Top Gear to make navigating around and re-running sims a bit better.

It’s not critical to max out the possible contaminant combinations, some of them will never fit (looking at you 9x Infinite Stars III)
It’s about time

The Details

  • You can now apply up to 9 contaminants.
  • The number of contaminants you can select has been significantly increased. However, the limit does drop as you increase “Contaminants to Apply”. The UI gives some indications of these limits with various highlights and tooltips.
  • “Remove Existing Gems/Enchants” is back to just affecting gems and enchants. To make room for more contaminants, you will need to purify items or select uncorrupted items. You can also use “Copy and Purify All Corrupted Items” but this usually isn’t recommended since it will usually really blow up the size of the sim.
  • Corruption has its own section in Top Gear now which includes Preserved Contaminants and an additional copy of the Max Corruption slider to make it easy to tweak everything in one place.
  • Preserved Contaminant UI now includes a bit more information at the bottom of the panel with details on how many contaminant combinations will be included. It will also show you the “corruption budget” to get a sense of the largest contaminant combinations that will be simmed.
  • Top Gear now has a “Quick Nav” bar that sticks to the top of the screen to make it easier to jump around.
  • “Run Sim Again” is a bit more consistent now — some settings will now be copied into the new sim that weren’t previously (Replace Existing, Max Corruption, Require 25 Corruption, etc)
  • “Contaminants to Apply” will reset to 0 once you submit your sim. This should let you keep contaminant settings (e.g., so you only have to input the vendor items once) but will go back to not applying anything for a new sim. Should help reduce cases where you don’t expect them being applied but see a huge combination count.
  • There’s a new “Reset All Top Gear Settings” button below the talent section. This will revert all settings back to defaults for your spec in case things get into a weird state. If you just want to reset your gear selections, easiest method is to just reload the page — that will reload your character information and change all settings back to what you have equipped.

