Raiden Map: Infrastructure

Paolo Anastagi
Raiden Map
Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2019

We’re designing an interactive dashboard to show relevant statistics about Raiden-Network-built token networks and the entire node network, updated in real time.

Sounds like fun… But how do we get there? Let’s talk about our infrastructure’s architecture.

Data will flow through the infrastructure from the Raiden Network contracts up to connected clients.

As we already have some experience with it, Microsoft Azure will be our cloud platform of choice. Aside from our Raiden full node, every workload will run on Azure.

Apache Kafka will be the beating heart of our data infrastructure, serving (not surprisingly) as a streaming platform. All the Raiden contracts’ events will be logged in dedicated topics consumed to compute snapshots of the state of the whole network, which will end up written inside Azure CosmosDB. For each update we will leverage Azure SignalR to update the content displayed by connected clients.
The Influx Data Platform will be used to enable efficient analysis and forecasting of time series data.

Last but not least, the APIs serving clients will be powered by Azure Functions.

Trends in data will be correlated with the emotions of tweets about tokens and Raiden Network to provide insights about the trends themselves and help forecasting.

Welcome to the end of this brief technical introduction to the Raiden Map project. We hope to have sparkled your interest!
We will try to keep you posted on developments at least once a month. Feel free to reach out on twitter @raidenmap or here in the comments!

