Hack with Raiden at ETHBerlin

Raiden Network
Raiden Network Blog
5 min readAug 16, 2019

We are thrilled to be sponsoring ETHBerlinZwei from August 23–25, 2019 and can’t wait for you to hack on Raiden during the hackathon! We’ll reward several teams building on the Raiden API with prizes and be there to support and mentor for all questions on payment channel networks and micropayments throughout the hackathon!

There are countless possibilities how you can get involved with Raiden during the hackathon, either by building your own dApp on Raiden, integrating an existing project with Raiden, or by enhancing Raiden’s UX itself with visualizations or extensions.

TL;NTC (Too long; need to code)

Here are all links and things you need to know to get started quickly:

Raiden bounties at ETHBerlin overview:

Also make sure to visit the Raiden workshop at 11:30AM at TUBerlin (Dappcon venue) on Friday (August 23) to get an intro into all things Raiden and a 101 session on how to get started with the Raiden API.

All you need to get started

The best place to start your hacking experience in general is the ETHBerlin Knowledge Base. The knowledge base guides you through getting started with ETHBerlin, Ethereum, blockchain, and decentralized application development. It’s your one-stop-shop to find a team, connect to other hackers and find out what you can do in preparation for the hackathon as well as during the hackathon.

The section “resources and documentation” within the knowledge base hosts all important information on dApp development 101 as well as protocol/product specific subsections.

Check out the Raiden ETHBerlin KnowledgeBase to find out more about hacking on Raiden and our challenges for the hackathon.

Besides the knowledge base, make sure to…

We want YOU to hack! The Raiden challenges at ETHBerlin

Raiden aims to make payments for dApps easy by enabling fast and cheap off-chain transfers. This is especially interesting for micro payments and all kinds of streaming, paywall or IoT payments.

Below you find our three challenges for ETHBerlin accompanied with selected ideas of what you could built in each of the categories using the Raiden API. The lists with ideas are obviously non-exhaustive and only meant to inspire. Feel free to get creative! 💡

👨‍💻👩‍💻 The Raiden User Experience Challenge

How can we create a smooth layer 2 experience? UX wizards and design gurus, unite!

If you want to help us smoothen the overall experience for developers and users, join the Raiden User Experience Challenge and build something amazing.

Here are a few ideas:

Front-end & design heavy:

  • Work on visualizing Raiden — show what’s going on under the hood! (e.g. creating a different kind of Raiden explorer or a live visualization of transfers)
  • Build a sexy front-end for Raiden, see the Raiden WebUI for reference

Other enhancement hacks:

  • Hack Raiden invoices (similar to Lightning Invoice concept)
  • Create an easy end-user onboarding solution for Raiden (e.g. create hubs that accept any type of payment in crypto or fiat and easily onboard new users to a Raiden token network); this could also be integrated with the universal login idea; see the Raiden Wizard as an example for easy onboarding
  • Build a mobile wallet or in-browser wallet for off-chain payments (assuming users already have a remote/hosted Raiden node set-up)
  • Work on an alternative implementation of a Raiden Service (learn more here)

For more info on prizes and submission guidelines check the bounty on Github: https://github.com/ethberlinzwei/Bounties/issues/9

💸 The Raiden Micropayments Challenge

Give token transfers wings! Do you have a use case that would benefit from micropayments? Then the Raiden Micropayments Challenge is for you.

As part of this challenge, you could:

  • Build an easy and fun game (something people can play to experience Raiden on the testnet, have a look at Satoshi’s Place for a simple example)
  • Build a digital use case / dApp using the Raiden API for (micro-)payments.
  • You can also combine or integrate Raiden with an existing dApp.

Examples (but not limited to):

  • Build a paywall solution with Raiden
  • Build a tip bot for social platforms or chat bot for micropayments
  • Build a game on Raiden

For more info on prizes and submission guidelines check the bounty on Github: https://github.com/ethberlinzwei/Bounties/issues/8

🤖 The Raiden IoT Challenge

Are you crazy in love with the Internet of Things? Raiden loves IoT, too!

If you like playing with hardware and build things, then take part in the Raiden IoT Challenge and show how Raiden can be used for (micro-)payments or token transfers with your favorite hardware use case. Need a Raspi or other hardware? We might be able to help… feel free to reach out to us before the hackathon or come by the Layer 2 Helpdesk and let us know what you need.

As part of this challenge, you could:

  • Build a permissionless, open source bike/ride/whatever sharing economy on Raiden (so everyone can become an e-scooter startup overnight)
  • Hack a vending machine/delivery robot/drone
  • Let machines or devices receive payments, e.g. for sensor data

For more info on prizes and submission guidelines check the bounty on Github: https://github.com/ethberlinzwei/Bounties/issues/7

So… what are you waiting for?

We can’t wait to see your submissions and will be there to support you at any point in time!

For on-site assistance, feel free to find us at the venue or use the ETHBerlin mentoring system (HELPq) to reach out. Jacob, Lefteris, Kelsos, Dominik and Franzi will be attending the hackathon and are happy to help should you get stuck or if you want to talk through an idea you have.

Additionally, other team members will also be available on-site or remotely via Gitter.

If you choose to hack with special hardware, remember to bring the required pieces with you. We wish you a successful and fun hackathon and are looking forward to seeing you there!

Happy hacking!

The Raiden Team

Make sure to stay up to date by following us on Twitter and Medium and joining the conversations on Reddit and Gitter!

The Raiden project is led by brainbot labs Est.

Disclaimer: Please note, that even though we do our best to ensure the quality and accuracy of the information provided, this publication may contain views and opinions, errors and omissions for which the content creator(s) and any represented organization cannot be held liable. The wording and concepts regarding financial terminology (e.g. “payments”, “checks”, “currency”, “transfer” [of value]) are exclusively used in an exemplary way to describe technological principles and do not necessarily conform to the real world or legal equivalents of these terms and concepts.

