Raiden Pulse #1: News from July and August

Raiden Network
Raiden Network Blog
4 min readAug 28, 2018

With the end of this month, we are happy to announce a new blog format. Raiden Pulse will supply you with a bi-monthly summary of all things Raiden: development updates, events, announcements and more.

WebUI Update

  • Kelsos implemented a refurbished WebUI, which is included in release v0.6.0. For a sneak peak, have a look at the screenshots below.
  • To experience the WebUI, download the latest version of the Raiden Network on the testnet and try it yourself.
  • Big thanks to our former interns Caroline and Anmol, who helped to improve the current WebUI with design mockups!
Wallet page showing all tokens registered on the Raiden network with the user’s balance (and an open payment dialogue in the foreground)
Channels page showing all used payment channels (open and closed)

Development Update

  • On 19th of July, we released Raiden Network testnet v0.4.0 with the codename “Icalo”. It was the first testnet release since 5 months of intense development. Read more about it here.
  • Working towards the upcoming mainnet deployment of the Red Eyes milestone, the team decided to release new versions to the testnet in a weekly to bi-weekly rhythm.
  • Icalo was hence followed by five other releases on the testnet: Ceteris Paribus, Havona, Tanacetum, Ándale and Metamorphosis.
  • The Raiden Echo Node is live. The Echo Node is a specialized node, which is running to enable easy testing of the Raiden Network. The Echo Node responds to received payments by sending a payment back to the initiator. Learn how to interact with it by reading the documentation.
  • Monthly GitHub pulse for July 28, 2018-August 28, 2018:
    # Commits: 410
    # Merged pull requests: 156
    # Issues closed: 145
    # Additions / deletions: 12,660 / 6,020
  • If you are interested in more in depth development updates, make sure to follow the [GIT] Weekly Updates posted on Reddit.


  • As you might have already noticed, Boris (@BOR4) and Mattias (@Mat7ias) support the team as community helpers. Boris and Mattias are keeping you updated with GitHub summaries and by referring to content that is already available in the Raiden Network communication channels. Read more here.

Moreover, we had a few additions to the team:

  • Konstantinos (@kelsos) joined focusing on frontend development.
  • Cosmin (@cosminnechifor) joined for a 6 months internship supporting the development team.
Development core team workshop on 25th July in Berlin


  • 25th June 2018: Jannik and Jacob both gave a talk at the Ethereum Meetup Munich. Jacob represented Raiden while Jannik gave an intro into Casper and Sharding, why he is working on it and how this is related to state channels. Watch his talk here.
  • 1st July 2018: Lefteris presented at Binary District’s Offthechain workshop giving a technical deep dive into the Raiden Network protocol, you can watch his full talk here.
  • 19th July 2018: At DappCon Berlin, Heiko moderated a panel discussion “Talking State Channels and Plasma” which was complemented by Augusto from the Raiden team. Before that, Lefteris gave the general introduction into the Raiden Network
“Talking State Channels and Plasma” panel at DappCon Berlin

What’s up next?


Your support means a lot to us! If you want to get involved you can:

  • Help us by testing and reporting issues: Download the latest version of Raiden, set up channels and do off-chain token transfers on the Ropsten Network. For a tutorial refer to this link. Report any problems you find in our issue tracker and ask us questions in gitter.
  • Apply to join our team of experts: brainbot labs is looking for highly talented developers that are as excited about payment channel networks as we are. If you want to be part of an open ecosystem right at the technological frontier, please have a look at the open positions and apply.
  • Refer somebody: You know that one outstanding individual that would fit one of the job profiles? Then please share the open positions with her/him or refer the person to us.

Latest Reading

We hope you enjoyed this first issue of the Raiden Pulse. Make sure to stay up to date by following us on Twitter and Medium and joining the conversations on Reddit and Gitter!

The Raiden Team

The Raiden project is led by brainbot labs Est.

