Raiden Pulse #2: News from September and October

Raiden Network
Raiden Network Blog
5 min readNov 6, 2018

Welcome to the second episode of Raiden Pulse, your bi-monthly update on all things Raiden! Since Devcon4 made us delay this episode, in addition to September and October we’ll also include the first days of November (and Devcon) in this issue.


  • A large part of the Raiden team attended the yearly Ethereum developer conference aka Devcon, this year taking place in Prague from Oct 30 to Nov 2.
  • Besides the great opportunities to catch up, exchange of ideas and learning about progress and future plans of Ethereum and Ethereum related projects, we also had the chance to share our thoughts and updates with the Devcon participants by presenting on stage and hosting a workshop.
  • Lefteris talked about “Getting to a production ready PCN (Payment Channel Network)” covering updates on the Red Eyes release, insights into the Raiden protocol and client architecture as well as our challenges and learnings from testing and what is still missing to achieve “production readiness”. Have a look at his slides here.
Lefteris presenting Raiden at DevconIV in Prague
  • In the hands-on Raiden workshop, Jacob, Ulo and Paul explained how to get started with Raiden and how to use the Raiden API. We were overwhelmed by the amount of participants and the engaged interaction with the protocol. During the workshop, a network with more than 400 open channels was created by more than 100 participants. Thanks all for joining in!

Read #40 of the weekly GIT updates for a more in-depth summary of the Devcon talk and workshop. As soon as the videos of the livestream are available, we will share them with you, too.

Development Update

  • The team kept the weekly snapshot release rhythm and published testnets v0.8.0 — v0.15.1: Rising_Edge, Carradine, Janin, Protego Maxima, Mila 23, Gypsy Mushroom, Flawless Unicorn, Astir, Things to come and The Cave.
  • Starting from v0.13.0, support for Kovan and Rinkeby testnets has been added due to the Ropsten Constantinople fork.
  • The Raiden Network Explorer is now live, showing metrics and visualizations of Raiden Network.
  • A new version of the Raiden website is live.
  • Testing Raiden: The Scenario Player is finalized and new scenarios have been implemented to automatically test the Raiden Network.
  • A video walkthrough showing how to use the WebUI is now available on our Youtube channel.
  • Monthly GitHub pulse for September and October:
    # Commits: ∼950 commits to master
    # Pull requests: ∼370 PRs merged
    # Issues: ∼235 closed
    # Additions and deletions: ∼29,000+ lines of code added and ∼16,700 lines deleted
  • If you are interested in more in depth development updates, make sure to follow the [GIT] Weekly Updates posted on Reddit by u/BOR4 or u/Mat7ias.


  • We welcome Frederik (@luehrsFred) to the Raiden team! Frederik will be writing his Master thesis and supports the team with CircleCI integration.
  • We are excited to announce that cryptography researchers Prof. Sebastian Faust (TU Darmstadt) and Prof. Stefan Dziembowski (University of Warsaw) are now official advisors to the Raiden Network project. Both are part of the Perun Network project.


  • 28th Aug: Jacob presented at the Ethereum Copenhagen Meetup alongside Trustlines Network, uPort and MakerDAO. You can see a record of Jacob’s full talk here.
  • 5th Sep: Augusto took part in the “Mass Adoption & Use Cases” meetup with Status, Golem Project and Raiden Network. Read a summary of the whole event here and see Augusto’s talk here.
  • 7th Sep: Lefteris joined the “Scalability & Interoperability” panel alongside Parity, Centrifuge and POANetwork during the opening day of the ETHBerlin hackathon. You can see the whole discussion here.
  • Loredana and Lefteris and other team members furthermore stayed present throughout the ETHBerlin weekend and supported the hackers as mentors.
  • 18th Oct: Augusto joined the State Channel Researchers Call #6.
  • 29th Oct: Jacob joined the panel discussion at “The Future of Layer 2: Prague Edition” alongside many other layer two projects. A video of the whole session can be found here.
  • [devcon4] 1st Nov: Lefteris gave a talk about “getting to a production ready PCN” at Devcon on the Prism stage. Jacob, Ulo and Paul hosted a hands-on Raiden workshop. The outline and slides of the workshop can be found in the workshop repo. As soon as the video recordings of the sessions are up, we will share them with you.
  • 5th Nov: André joined a panel during the App Store Foundation Summit in Lisbon discussing how blockchain can impact the apps economy by enabling in-store payments.
Augusto, Lefteris, Jacob and André presenting Raiden and discussing payment channel networks during different events in Berlin, Prague and Lisbon

What’s up next?

This week, Jacob and Dominik will attend two events in Barcelona:

  • 8th Nov: Meetup “Discover Raiden, a lightning payment solution for Ethereum” in Barcelona. Sign up here.
  • 9th Nov: Hands-on Raiden workshop hosted by Caelum Labs in Barcelona. Sign up here.

Stay up to date about further events via our Twitter channel!


Your support means a lot to us! If you want to get involved you can:

  • Help us by testing and taking part in our bug bounty, once Red Eyes goes live! To test, download the latest version of Raiden, set up channels and do off-chain token transfers. You can ask us technical questions in gitter.
  • Apply to join our team of experts: brainbot labs is looking for highly talented developers that are as excited about payment channel networks as we are. If you want to be part of an open ecosystem right at the technological frontier, please have a look at the open positions and apply.
  • Refer somebody: You know that one outstanding individual that would fit one of the job profiles? Then please share the open positions with her/him or refer the person to us.

Latest Reading

Until next time,
The Raiden Team

Make sure to stay up to date by following us on Twitter and Medium and joining the conversations on Reddit and Gitter!

The Raiden project is led by brainbot labs Est.

