Raiden Pulse #4: News from January and February

Raiden Network
Raiden Network Blog
4 min readMar 1, 2019

Welcome back to the fourth episode of Raiden Pulse, this time covering all things Raiden that happened since the beginning of this year.

Development Updates

  • Pluto, released on Feb 21, is the first patch release for the Raiden client since the mainnet release in December. It contains several bug fixes, hence updating from v0.100.1 (Red Eyes) is highly recommended.
  • From now onwards, ARM binaries are included in the release packages. ARM binaries can for example be used to run the Raiden client on a Raspberry Pi.
  • New WebUI feature: The address book is helpful to label public addresses with a name, edit and delete entries and import/export address book files. We are also looking into ENS domains integration.
  • Development towards Ithaca: The development of monitoring and pathfinding services progressed and an integrated services prototype has been put together; a basic implementation of the new smart contracts has been deployed on multiple testnets.
  • The Raiden client is now available on Docker Hub.
  • We have recorded a short video guiding you through the steps to install a Raiden mainnet node.
  • The “Raiden Protocol Explained” blog post covers the basics of payment channel networks, as well as the mechanics of mediated transfers, routing and handling of multiple pending transfers step by step. Have a read, or check out the video.
  • If you are interested in more in depth development updates, make sure to follow the [GIT] Weekly Updates posted on Reddit by u/BOR4 or u/Mat7ias.
New address book feature in the Raiden WebUI


  • We were sad to see Loredana leaving the team in February and want to thank her for all her amazing contributions to the Raiden Network. Loredana, we wish you just the best for the future! For a recap of her highlights and best moments in the Raiden team, have a look at her goodbye thread.


  • January 31: Franzi gave an update about the Red Eyes mainnet launch, current functionalities of Raiden, future plans and challenges at the GoerliCon in Berlin. You can see the talk here.
  • February 4: Christian and Oliver shared their insights about Raiden and Layer 2 Scaling at CryptoMonday in Cologne.
  • February 14: Lefteris joined an interview with Alex Saunders from Nugget’s News. Watch the video here.

What’s up next?

  • March 5–7: Join us at our booth at EthCC in Paris to try Raiden on site or ask us any questions! Find more info about the Ethereum Community Conference on their website.
  • March 6: Paul and Franzi will give an update on the Raiden Network at EthCC, focusing on fostering developer adoption and the design choices for MS and PFS.
  • March 6: Franzi will join the DeFi meetup Paris and present Raiden, alongside with other speakers from Centrifuge, Gnosis and Bounties Network. Sign up for the event here.
  • April: Watch out for hackathon announcements! Raiden will sponsor and attend a couple of cool hackathons this year. We’ll keep you updated on our Twitter channel.


We’re excited to see more and more people trying Raiden on the mainnet (and on the testnets). You can help us by testing and giving feedback, too! To test, download the latest version of Raiden, open channels and send off-chain token transfers. In case of problems, you can ask us any technical questions on gitter.

You can also contribute by running a Raiden node on the mainnet that is always online (a server is the best option) and has access to an Ethereum node. By doing so, you add capacity to the network.

And, as always: Apply to join our team of experts! If you want to be part of an open ecosystem right at the technological frontier and happen to be as excited about payment channel networks as we are, please have a look at the open positions and apply or refer somebody.

Your support and feedback means a lot to us!

Latest Reading

The Raiden Team

Make sure to stay up to date by following us on Twitter and Medium and joining the conversations on Reddit and Gitter!

The Raiden project is led by brainbot labs Est.

