Run Raiden on DAppNode

Raiden Network
Raiden Network Blog
5 min readJun 17, 2019

As announced in the beginning of April, Raiden and DAppNode have been working together. We are excited to share that Raiden is available on DAppNode starting today!

What is DAppNode?

DAppNode is an operating system (OS) which provides a simple and convenient way to deploy P2P nodes by eliminating the technical barriers usually involved in setting them up. The OS can be installed on any machine fulfilling the minimum specifications and brings one-click installs for any supported DApp through dockerized packages. In addition to the OS, DAppNode offers pre-installed hardware servers in a plug-and-play model. To learn more about DAppNode, visit their website.

Why should you run a Raiden node with DAppNode?

Running a Raiden node within DAppNode is fairly easy since DAppNode provides you with a one-click install button to deploy your Raiden node. Additionally, you will be notified of every Raiden update and able to perform the update with one click. Please be aware that only the package will be updated. If there’s a compatibility break or other inconsistencies and you still have open channels in the network, you will need to close them before updating. Otherwise, you’ll risk losing your funds! DAppNode will also remind you of closing your channels, before updating.

Another perk of DAppNode is the VPN setup, enabling you to access your nodes from anywhere. If you choose to run both a Raiden node and an Ethereum node within DAppNode, unlike centralized node gateway solutions (e.g. Infura), your node is uncensorable.

DAppNode also offers you the option of granting access to your node to anyone in your community through the VPN, with the rights you choose for them. This can be interesting for Ethereum mainnet or testnet nodes. However, you should not share your Raiden node with anyone, since Raiden has access to the keystore file of the Ethereum account connected to it.

Installing Raiden using DAppNode

In general, you need the below listed three prerequisites to get started. However, for running Raiden on Goerli testnet, we have prepared an easy onboarding. Please skip the prerequisites section if you want to install Raiden on Goerli.

Installer / Package overview in DAppNode UI


  1. DAppNode installed on your machine: If you don’t have DAppNode yet, go to and follow the instructions to install it.
  2. Testnet or Ethereum mainnet node: To install a testnet or Ethereum mainnet node go to the Installer tab on your DAppNode and click on “GET” on the respective package.
  3. (Testnet) Ether and keystore: You also require (testnet) Ether and a keystore. If you do not have a keystore file, you need to create a new wallet, e.g. with MyCrypto Desktop App.

Running Raiden on Goerli testnet

  1. Access your DAppNode admin UI
  2. Go to the Installer tab and hit “GET” on the Raiden package card.
  3. If you do not have the Goerli Geth Package installed, it will automatically get installed when you install Raiden.
  4. If you already have a Goerli testnet node, the right flags need to be selected: Go to the Goerli-geth package and paste the following flags, which are required for the smooth operation of the Raiden testnet package, in the Environment Variables area. Choose `` — rpcapi eth,net,web3,txpool`` and click “Update environment variables”.
  5. For the Goerli testnet package, we have created a simple onboarding, which automatically generates a keystore file for you and tops up your account with Gö-ETH and some DAppNode test tokens.
  6. If the steps have run correctly, you will see these logs within the Raiden testnet package (at the bottom of the screen).

Now you can access the Raiden WebUI and start sending tokens! Please connect to: http://raiden-testnet.dappnode. For information on how to use Raiden please check our docs.

In case you want to run the Raiden testnet package on a different testnet, you will have to substitute the endpoint and the network ID for the respective testnet you want to use.

Running Raiden on the Ethereum mainnet

In order to run Raiden with DAppNode on the mainnet, you have to install the mainnet package and follow the steps as outlined above for the testnet. Your Ethereum node should be running with the same flags.

-- rpcapi eth,net,web3,txpool and the flag -- no-ancient-blocks should not be activated.

You can connect to http://raiden.dappnode to send tokens using the Raiden WebUI.

Please note, that the Raiden mainnet release is a limited alpha testing release. Before using Raiden on mainnet, make sure to read the requirements for safe usage.

Should you encounter any issues in setting up your DAppNode, feel free to let us now in the Raiden Gitter chat or DAppNode’s Riot.

The DAppNode and Raiden teams

Make sure to stay up to date by following us on Twitter and Medium and joining the conversations on Reddit and Gitter!

The Raiden project is led by brainbot labs Est.

Disclaimer: Please note, that even though we do our best to ensure the quality and accuracy of the information provided, this publication may contain views and opinions, errors and omissions for which the content creator(s) and any represented organization cannot be held liable.

The wording and concepts regarding financial terminology (e.g. “payments”, “checks”, “currency”, “transfer” [of value]) are exclusively used in an exemplary way to describe technological principles and do not necessarily conform to the real world or legal equivalents of these terms and concepts.

The code you will be running is partially supplied by DAppNode and partially by the Raiden Project as open source code and/or software. Please be aware that we cannot be held liable for any damages whatsoever or any loss of funds you may incur when using the code and/or software. Use at your own risk.

