Looking back at InnoTrans 2016 — digitalisation is king

Railnova Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2016

Two weeks ago I was all packed and ready to embark on my first adventure at Railnova. My destination? InnoTrans 2016!

My first InnoTrans experience

To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect from InnoTrans before going to Berlin. I certainly didn’t expect it to be this big (it’s huge!).
Going in, I was still a bit apprehensive… At other fairs many of the people who stop by your stand don’t really care about your story. They just want to sell their own services and products (and get all the goodies, of course).

But I didn’t need to worry! I was relieved to see that InnoTrans is a much more mature fair. Most of the people who visited our stand knew exactly what they were looking for. This resulted in great conversations and high-quality business meetings!

Railnova at InnoTrans
Railnova at InnoTrans
Railnova at InnoTrans

I was excited to see that there was such a strong focus on digitalisation, innovation and reliability at InnoTrans. On top of that railway organisations seem to increasingly acknowledge the importance of remote condition monitoring solutions. This way they ensure smooth fleet operations, easy fault code tracking and maintenance optimisation.

As I’m still quite new to Railways, InnoTrans was the ideal opportunity to meet with railway organisations and to learn how they are digitalising their fleets. It was also the perfect way to grasp the enormity of the sector, and the diversity of the products and services. Knowing how large, complex and diverse this sector is, travelling by train has now become a whole new experience!

InnoTrans 2016 was an amazing experience and I want to thank everyone who visited the Railnova stand and our amazing team! Cheers!

Cheers to InnoTrans 2016

Couldn’t attend the fair or visit our stand? Contact us to receive more information about our solutions.

Take a look at the making of our stand (and the final results!) below:

Railnova at InnoTrans
Railnova at InnoTrans
Railnova at InnoTrans
Railnova at InnoTrans

