New on Railfleet: timezones and map filters

Jérémie Roy
Railnova Blog
Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2017

We’re proud to announce another bunch of brand new features on Railfleet: we’ve taken your feedback and requests into account and enabled timezone management so you can easily define the timezone in which you wish to display dates and hours in. This makes data analysis and comparison a lot easier. We also launched new filters on the map to help you locate assets faster, based on their status, planned actions and more. Take a look at the new features and updates below:


Analysing and comparing data is much easier and faster if you don’t have to worry about figuring out which timezone is used on Railfleet, and having to convert the dates and hours to the right format. That’s why we’ve enabled timezone management. By default your timezone will be set to Europe/Brussels, but you can easily switch to another timezone.

Switching timezones comes in handy, for example, if you want to analyse data in the GPS History, Data Inspector or Telematics Raw Data and compare it with data from other sources using the same timezone.

The timezone settings will not be displayed in the data, but you can verify and change the timezone you selected at any time on Railfleet:

  • Go to the navigation bar and click on your email address
  • Open the drop-down menu below “Timezone” and
  • Select a new timezone.
Railfleet: change timezone

Once selected, all dates and hours on Railfleet will be shown in that timezone.

Map filters

Previously you could only filter assets on the map based on their name and type. As this was quite limited, we added 4 other filter options. These filters should help you to e.g. easily locate assets based on their status, or track if they are on their way to the workshop if there are interventions planned today or in the next days.

The filters might look familiar to those who are already actively using the Operational beta dashboard: some of the filters that were already available on that dashboard can now also be found on the map:

Railfleet: new map filters
  • Labels: search for assets based on the category labels you or your administrator created in the Railfleet admin. These labels could for example be items from the category “maintainer” or “ECM”, to search for the assets maintained by one (or more) specific maintainer(s). You can select multiple labels at once.
  • Operational status: filter assets based on their operational status (operational, degraded or immobilised).
  • Tech status: look for assets on the map that are in traction, parked, powered on, idling or being pulled by another asset.
  • Action: filter assets based on the current or planned actions on the assets. Show only the assets for which an intervention is planned or in progress, or show only the assets with open alerts.

Of course you can also still filter your assets based on their name and class. Check out our help guide article for more information about the new map filters.

Loading icon

Nobody likes to sit and wait for a page to open without knowing if the page is actually loading or not. That’s why, when you open a new page, there is now a loading icon that shows you the exact loading progress of all items on that page.

Increased platform speed

Time is money, and therefore we’ve made quite some changes under the hood to improve the speed of certain pages and features, such as the Operational Dashboard. Loading shouldn’t take as long as in previous versions, enabling you to smoothly switch from one page to the next one.

Coming up 🚀

Timezone handling in notifications
With the new timezone update, all dates in Railfleet will be shown in the timezone of your choosing. However, this does not yet apply to the dates in your notification emails. These are currently always shown in UTC. As this might be confusing, the logical next step is that we make some modifications to the way we generate the notification emails to make sure that they also show the timezone you selected.

Translating the administration dashboard
Another update that’s on our agenda, is the translation of the admin dashboard. We want to offer our clients the smoothest Railfleet experience, which also includes enabling them to use Railfleet in their own language (we currently support French, German, Dutch and English). The admin dashboard is at this moment only available in English, but will soon also be available in French, German and Dutch.

Enable preventive maintenance management
On the Operational Beta Dashboard you can already easily manage and schedule corrective maintenance events. Next up are preventive events. In a first phase we’ll enable event imports and provide due date estimates based on the telematics data that’s available. In the next phases we’ll set up the necessary workflows to handle preventive event scheduling directly in Railfleet.

We’d love to hear your feedback! What do you like about the new features, and what do you think is missing? Let us know at

