RailPub March Newsletter šŸ—“: Come train or come shine!

Published in
4 min readMar 3, 2021

This is a replica of our March email, sent on Tuesday, 2nd March 2021.

Hey Rail and Transport enthusiasts!

We hope you have enjoyed our ā€œMapmen/Mapwomenā€ event from February. It was surely a pleasant experience navigating to quirky locations across the country and around the world on our maps!

This year, we have arranged a variety of intra- and inter-university events, where we have had a lot of fun networking and quiz events. We thank you for your immense support throughout this year.

Thereā€™s currently less than 5 days left to nominate yourself to be a on the committee next year. If you would like to nominate yourself, keep reading!

In this email we will be calling at:
- A recap on our societyā€™s vision and what weā€™ve done
- Our roles
- How to run for committee


Here at ICRTS, we have a long history and we link enthusiastic Imperial students with the rail and transport industry in the UK. We provide a great stepping stone to a career in the sector. We have links to big names in the industry, some of whom were members of this very club. Our key vision is ā€˜Fostering Closer Ties Between Our Members And The Transport Industryā€™.

Amidst the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of plans weā€™ve made in the past year have went down the train, but thereā€™s certainly more to look forward to in our coming academic year. Indeed, throughout a typical year, we host a visit to the Transport Museum, a residential trip to the Welsh Ffestiniog Heritage Railway, as well as a range of other visits and inter-uni meetup activities.

To read more about what we do, head to our site!


Our roles

Come speak to a current committee member about their experience with a role if you want! A list of our emails are at the footer of the email.

These are the roles currently available in the society:

The Chair shall represent the club on the Management Group Board, and shall be responsible for making sure that the club is run according to the club constitution and Imperial College Unionā€™s Code of Conduct for Clubs, Societies & Projects as far as can be reasonably expected.The Chair shall manage and lead the committee in all aspects relating to ICRTS events, trips and meetings.In the event that no person is voted in to a post or of resignation from a position, the Chair will undertake the duties until such time as the post if filled. The Chair and Treasurer are held financially responsible for the society.

The Treasurer shall carry out the day to day financial duties of the club. The Treasurer shall manage the budget and authorise society spending, locate new sources of funding and allocate financial resources. The chair and treasurer are held financially responsible for the society.

The Secretary shall organize all documents and contacts as well as assisting the president in organising events.

Publicity Officer
The Publicity Officer shall handle the storeroom and kit, model railway subpart of the society and help out with all other events of the society.

Web Master
The Web Master shall be responsible for the media outreach of the club.

Welsh Relations Officer
The Welsh Relations Officer shall manage and handle all things related to the Welsh Highland railway trips.

Vice Chair
The Vice Chair shall be charged with assisting the completion of all duties of the Chair.

Events Officer
The Events Officer shall be responsible for the planning and execution of events.

Having all that said, all committee members are equally involved in the planning and execution of all society events. If you want to
contribute and commit to the society, join us. We are always looking for more people to shape our society!

For more information, email us or check out our constitution via the link below!

ICRTS Constitution

Want to run for committee?

1. Read about ICRTS and the roles available. Find which role best fits you. If you are not sure, talk to us and we are happy to work things out!
2. Message us via Email, Whatsapp or Discord, and tell us about it. We are happy to help you out, and this would spread your word to all ICRTS members!
3. Nominate yourself via https://vote.union.ic.ac.uk/

Nominations close on 5th March and voting opens on 15th March. Weā€™ll run an AGM soon so that everyone can meet the nominees. Even if youā€™re new to ICRTS, weā€™d love you to get involved!

Nominate yourself!

Stay on track

Thatā€™s probably it for now. If you planning on running for committee, we wish you all the best and we wish to hear from you in due course. Until then, stay calm and carriage on!

Stay on track,
Your ICRTS Committee

Brought to you by

Your ICRTS Committee
Jade Low ā€” Chairman: jade.low18@imperial.ac.uk
Ryan Ma ā€” Treasurer: ho.ma18@imperial.ac.uk
Yanni Chau ā€” Secretary: ytc19@ic.ac.uk
Ryan Hill ā€” Publicity Officer: ryan.hill19@imperial.ac.uk

