RailPub October Newsletter 🗓

Published in
5 min readOct 15, 2020

This is a replica of our October events email, sent on Thursday, 15th October 2020.

Hello rail and transport enthusiasts new and old!

For those of you who have received our previous email, hello again! This email will provide additional details for events coming up next week, so do have a look at those and make sure you get yourself signed up!

And for the freshers among us, welcome! Thank you for signing up to the 2020/21 mailing list! We’re very pleased that you’re here, and we’re looking forward to meeting all of you at many of our unique and exciting upcoming events, virtual or otherwise! Keep reading…


You have received this email because we believe you would like to receive emails from us in 2020/21. We don’t believe in spamming, so you’ll hear from us just once a month and before key events.

We have also established several new platforms to enhance member engagement.

  • Discord — for hosting social events such as quizzes and general chats.
  • Medium — a collection of transport-themed blogs curated by our members, where you can submit your own articles for show and tell!
  • WhatsApp — for general communication, announcements and casual chats

Links to each of these may be found above. Join us and get ready to mingle!


Online Meet-up (skribbl.io quizzes!)

We can’t wait to get to meet you guys and gals, so we’re hosting a meet and greet session on our society Discord this weekend, where we’ll be introducing ourselves and going over our plans for this year as well as events we’ve hosted in the past.

Not to mention we’ll also run transport-themed skribbl.io (Pictionary) quizzes, although it doesn’t seem like The Chairman will be buying us pizzas and pints :sad:. Don’t miss out on this great start to the year!

When: Sunday 18 October 2020, 2–3 pm UK time (GMT+1)
Where: Discord Channel


In-person Meet-up (568)

With the latest union regulations, we’ll also be able to host a limited in-person meetup in the Union Pub (the 568), where you’ll get to meet and chat in person as well as potentially getting The Chair to pay for a couple of your pints. Places are limited due to social distancing measures, so mark your name soon as you can on our society WhatsApp group!

When: 21 October 2020, 1:30 pm UK time (GMT+1)
Where: 568, Beit Quad, London SW7 2BB

To comply with union and government restrictions, we will arrive in 2 social distanced groups of 6. Meetup details will be posted in the chat in due course.

Sign up via WhatsApp

ICRTS Online Mega-Quiz!!!!!!

This is the one you’ve all been expecting, so pencil it in on your calendar and double check your tube trivia book, for we are having the first of many ICRTS Online Quizzes in 2 weeks! We’ll be quizzing all of you on a variety of topics including the London Underground, the National Railway system, ICRTS Events and more!

Winners will also receive prizes to be delivered in due course, and this will be good preparation for the inter-uni Rail and Transport Quiz we will be hosting with our partner societies at Birmingham, Loughborough and Cambridge soon! Don’t miss it!

When: Sunday 25 October 2020, 1pm UK time (GMT)
Where: Discord Channel


(and pop us a message in the #quiz-signup channel when you get here! :-) )

Future Planned Events

We are ready to adapt to the new norm — here’s a quick glance at our plans for the rest of Autumn 2020.

  • Networking activities
  • Industry talks
  • In-person events for 2021

Networking Activities

As mentioned above, we are continuing the collaboration with a range of societies, including:

  • Railway Society, University of Birmingham
  • Velocity, Loughborough University
  • Cambridge University Railway Club
  • Imperial College Pilots Club

Our first joint event scheduled for the year will be a transport-themed quiz — more details are forthcoming, so watch this space!

Date: Sometime in November?
Venue: Our Discord channel
Audience: Open to members and non-members.

Industry Talks

Coronavirus has truly transformed society as a whole, and in relation to the transport industry, has forced it to adapt to a safer, cleaner and more efficient modus operandi. Albeit the industry’s long-established and conservative nature, it is a truly vibrant industry that is actively seeking for new talents.

With your FREE membership, you will be able to attend inspiring talks from leading figures in the transport industry, who will be giving in-depth insights into their line of work, enriching your knowledge from both career and enthusiast perspectives.

In-person events for 2021

If exclusive transport events are what you are after, we have you covered. We do have a couple of excursions planned which are in-line with the government’s social distancing guidelines and union restrictions, including but not limited to:

  • Day trips to heritage railways
  • Depot visits
  • Country walks — along abandoned railways in the outskirts of London

We will resume residential events as soon as possible, which is expected in Spring 2021.

Our activities must adhere to union guidelines, which are subject to change. We thank you for showing a greater degree of understanding in these abnormal circumstances.

A couple more words…….

For those freshers among us, your FREE membership will give you access to all our interesting events exclusive to members. We need to work together to keep our society ‘alive’, so do remember to grab society membership with the link to the union website below!

Grab FREE membership!

We have an exciting year prepared ahead, so we look forward to getting on track with you all (in-person or a couple thousand miles away on Discord)!

Finally, we wish you a fruitful and healthy academic year at Imperial College London.

Your ICRTS Committee

Brought to you by

ICRTS Committee
Jade Low — Chairman: jade.low18@imperial.ac.uk
Ryan Ma — Treasurer: ho.ma18@imperial.ac.uk
Yanni Chau — Secretary: ytc19@ic.ac.uk
Ryan Hill — Publicity Officer: ryan.hill19@imperial.ac.uk

