What we are up to

Pair Programing

Cess Wairimu
Rails Girls Nairobi
3 min readMay 5, 2018


We are part of world coders thanks to microverse for including us in this.

Pairing in progress

World coders is a platform where members of a community are put in the same channel and are paired randomly. Each team gets to pair while solving challenges. We are using exercism and hackerank for our challenges and the team gets to choose which of the two they will use for the week.

There is a slack channel where pairing is done. Pairing happens every two weeks where if you are in the channel, you get paired randomly with someone in the same channel and you get to pair with that person every week for two weeks. About what to pair on, the team decides which programming language to use. After the two weeks are over, you get switched up and you get to pair with other people. If you are in the same city you meet if possible and if not pairing happens through video calls.

We have had two pairings in the last month. To be part of world coders join the slack channel here. Browse through the channels and join #railsgirlsnairobi. You will be paired with a person every two weeks the next pairing session will be on 14th May, and every two weeks after that.

Our Meetups

Our meetups are bi-weekly, we had a meetup yesterday and we prototyped a project that we will be working on the next few months. We are building our website. This is what we did during our meetup today.

  • Made a sketch(skeleton) of the website and what we feel should be included.
  • Created about ten user stories
  • Set up a github repository and had everyone in attendance clone and setup locally.
  • Assign the tickets to the members in attendance.
  • Started coding on the project…

We had a successful session and managed to create a fully functional signup for the website. With controller and model tests in place. We are using Ruby on Rails for development, bootstrap for styling and rspec for testing.

Our final signup page

Within the two hours we coded on the project, we managed to have 6 pull requests. Every person having written at least 50 lines of code. Members who had never collaborated before got to understand the fork and pull request work flow, reviewing code, creating user stories, ticketing and how to solve merge conflicts.

We discussed on the members experience with the pairing sessions on world coders. The members are getting a hang on it and pairing sessions next week should be better than ever. Our next meetup will be on 19th May. Meanwhile, pairing sessions will continue every week and collaboration for the development of our website should too.

We hosted Gnome release party

Our gnome release party cake…it was so sweet

On 20th April we had gnome release party in Nairobi thanks to Gnome. We looked at the new features of gnome 3.28. Interesting things that happened during the development of this version and even the meaning of its name “Chongqing”. Read more on this version here.

