Creating my startup — Step 1 — idea, The easy part?

Sebastian Velandia
Published in
5 min readNov 25, 2016

Leer en españolCheck Step 2 here

Im Sebastian Velandia a young entrepreneur, developer, and books lover, in these series I just want to share with you good insights in the different steps when creating a Startup. If you are starting it would fit great to you. By the way this is my first article on medium =D, hope you like it.

When creating a Startup you need to have in mind a lot of things, but it is very important to focus in the right thing at the right time in order to succeed, and the first step is “an idea”. Now let’s think, What do you want to improve or change?

Yes, this is the first step in the way to a Startup, nothing else matters at the beginning since this will be the engine, in fact, you should never start a company if you do not have clear what you want to change or improve in the world. We are in an excellent era to start a digital business, it is a new field which is full of innovation to be explored, customers are more receptive to adopt new technologies and products.

If you already started a Startup, you are in the right path for entrepreneur success. For those who want to start the adventure but cannot find or channel their passion, all it takes is figuring out that one idea that makes you restless and to start with that.

If you are as many people, thinking what you want to create or ideate to improve or change what already exists, this article is for you, it sounds challenging, doesn’t it?

Now I will share with you the strategies that work and those that does not work to find the next big Startup idea:

Stimulate your brain going offline

If you want to create an idea, you need to give your brain a time offline. Ideas are better generated when your brain is relaxed, an state called the alpha state.

Dude, relax.

The doctor Hervert Benson of Harvard Medical School discovered that people that access to that state demonstrate a better performance in physical and mental tests.

Normally, when we are awake and connected in our daily life, our brain is producing beta waves. These waves are faster than alpha waves, and result in faster thoughts, multitasking skills and produces more anxiety ans stress.

(Multitasking + daily work) = Stress = No creativity = No ideas

If you are a work addict or you are always busy (including spent time on social media), you are harming your brain’s skills to create new ideas and solutions.

It is very important give your brain relax time, for let the creativity juice flow. This is evidenced by thousands of histories of people that had brilliant ideas when they did not expected or their minds where relaxed.

The best way to have great ideas is walk, run without headphones, or just sit in a park, think or meditate.

Testing your ideas

When finally you get ideas, the first thing you have to do for know if they are relevant or will generate any impact is test them, most of the people that know about Startups will suggest you create an MVP or Minimum Viable Product, and launch it to the market and see if it works or not, Although it would not appear, an MVP is costly; costs time, dedication and maybe some of money.

Create an MVP for each idea you have does not worth it, so What should you do when you have multiple ideas but can’t decide which to test?

In this case the best answer is the instinct, trust your feelings, and start researching all about the idea environment and see what would be the impact in society of your idea.

Brainstorm, is a bad way of generate good ideas

Communicate what you have in mind in an early state of an idea to other people can be frustrating, because each person interpret in their own way, at the end your idea will be distorted.

It’s indeed a “Storm” for you and your ideas.

The ideas generation is an individual activity, in random moment, you cannot wait put some individuals together and tell them how and when to be creative and generate brilliant ideas.

The fact of focus the ideas generation into groups, and have a time limit, means that your mind won’t enter to the relax state we talked earlier (alpha state).


  • If you are busy all the time you won’t generate brilliant ideas, it is necessary to look for relax times, and meditation to activate your creativity.
  • When you have ideas do not lose your focus communicating your idea in early stages, you will be end discarding it.
  • The worst way to generate brilliant ideas is through Brainstorming, the creativity is an individual product and random, does not depend on a group of people nor time limit, you won’t have the relax state that you need to activate your creativity.

If you have an idea and want to start an MVP or take your idea or project to the next level, I know what you need check this.

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Sebastian Velandia

#meteorjs, #RubyOnRails & #Startup consultant, coach and developer. #Entrepreneur, co-founder & CTO @grupoly & @railskarate, Portfolio: