Happy 7th Month in Heaven

You are missed

Punch Drunk Cola
Rainbow Bridge
1 min readApr 28, 2021


Photo taken by the author. Taken during Christmas of 2018.

Dear Sushi,

It has been 7 months since you left us. We hope you are having fun playing up there in heaven. We know you love it there … you're probably jumping up high walls and fences. Knowing that you are not in pain anymore and can breathe very well, helps us move on.

We wish you had a little more time with us though, especially during this pandemic. You would have LOVED being with us 24/7. You hated it when we leave for work. Can you imagine us being home all day everyday? You could have gotten so many hugs, cuddles and kisses. You would have loved stepping on my laptop, joining me on my zoom calls as I do my work from home.

We miss you. We still write on your chart everyday and mention your name when we do our roll call at night. We still find ourselves crying whenever we think or talk about you. I don't think that will ever change. Even if years have passed and we have moved on with our lives… you will ALWAYS be part of us.

We love you, Sushi!




Punch Drunk Cola
Rainbow Bridge

A Xennial who takes too long making her coffee, turns her laundry pink and can never fold fitted sheets.