Love You Forever, Dear Sushi

A publication dedicated to you

Punch Drunk Cola
Rainbow Bridge
4 min readNov 5, 2020


Sushi at 16 years old, relaxing on a typical Sunday. Photo taken by author.

Sushi was a beautiful 17 year old Choco Point Himalayan cat. She was born with an enlarged heart. She had loving eyes and she loved keeping me company. She was so great at being a companion cat, that I miss her presence everyday.

Dear Sushi,

I did not expect to be this heartbroken. I always knew I would be here to support your Mommy… I did not know I would be crying with her all day, sharing her pain and missing you so much.

I hate myself now for even feeling bad during those times when I felt your mommy needed more sleep or rest or even have a bit of social life because she was too focused on you guys. I am sorry.

I get it now.

She wanted to spend every second with you and she did not want to regret not giving you her ALL … because she knew in her heart this day would come.

You were such a good and loving cat. I have never seen such an obedient cat in my life. People would often notice that about you. Thank you for loving your mommy for 17 years. Her sacrifices were all worth it because you gave her so much joy and happiness.

Thank you for loving me too. I knew the exact moment you started loving me. You became my companion. We had our routine too. You would sleep on my head pillow every night … er, I'm sorry, I mean I would share YOUR pillow even if it has MY name literally written on it, you would jump out of bed every morning as soon as you see me get up, you would wait for me outside the bathroom every single time, you sit with us during meal times, you would sleep on my notebook while I work on my laptop, you would sit and watch Netflix with us… oh Sushi, there is so much more to say. You are part of our everyday lives. How do we move on without you?

Your mommy and I are like a couple of cuckoos today… smiling at your portrait, talking about how God helped us arrange every single detail of your passing exactly how we prayed for …. and then crying when we see an extra water bowl or your pill cutter and especially your yellow collar, which is now displayed on the table… because we miss you terribly.

Rest now, our dear Sushi. Thank you for teaching us unconditional love. Go run around as fast as you can without pain, and jump those high cabinets you always seem to be staring at… you will be amazed at how high you can jump now.

We love you… forever.

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P.s — this publication is dedicated to you.


When Sushi passed away, I started looking for articles to read about pet grief. It was something new to me and I needed to understand what I was going through. I decided to write about what I was feeling and stumbled upon Medium (I read an article on a totally unrelated topic). I am no writer and I want a safe space where I can freely write. I am surrounded by people who do not understand pet loss and I was made to feel that whatever it was I was going through was not valid.

I learned that there are a lot of pet parents going through the same thing and I want to create a safe space for them. This publication is for anyone who needs to express their sorrow over the loss of their beloved pet.

This publication may have been prompted by my immense grief but this space is also open to anyone who wishes to share fond memories of their pets, how they coped and moved on.

I will not edit your work and anyone can submit stories. I want everyone to freely express themselves and give someone the comfort they need by reading their stories.

Thank you to the contributing writers for sharing your pet's love to us.



Punch Drunk Cola
Rainbow Bridge

A Xennial who takes too long making her coffee, turns her laundry pink and can never fold fitted sheets.