Then and Now: Embracing Life’s Changes and Finding Happiness in Family

A Personal Journey of Moving, Adjusting, and Discovering the Power of Love

Susan Jacobs
4 min readApr 24, 2024
Photo by SOULSANA on Unsplash

Introduction: Packing Up and Moving On

Hello, everyone! It’s Coocoo here, coming to you with some heartfelt thoughts about life’s big changes. Picture this — I’m sitting here surrounded by boxes and bubble wrap, preparing for yet another move. Now, I know what you might be thinking — “Coocoo, haven’t you already done this before?” And you’d be right! Just two short years ago, my darling husband Roger and I packed up our home of 38 years to move in with my daughter, her husband, and three of the most precious grandchildren you’ve ever seen.

Now, I’ll be honest with you — that move was rougher than expected. I was crankier than I’d like to admit. There’s no sugarcoating it — I was not the easiest person to be around. I still don’t know how my sweet family put up with me during that time. There is no other word for what I was during that time, and that word is “bi&#$.” Sorry if that offends anyone, but it’s the truth. We moved from central Georgia to coastal Georgia, and while it was beautiful, I was miserable. I will never know how my family put up with me.

Photo by Sol Jansson on Unsplash

Advice for Those Facing a Move: Be Open-Minded

To anyone facing a move like this, be open-minded for sure. You young whipper snappers won’t understand the pain of losing your home until you’re faced with it. It’s like losing your identity. But THEN, you adjust. You settle in. You or someone who loves you has purged your old stuff, and all that poison washes away. You feel clean again. It’s a new start. If and when this happens, be patient with yourself and each other. Trust me, it’s worth it.

Photo by Melinda Gimpel on Unsplash

The Next Chapter: Another Move, Another Opportunity

Now, I’m facing another move to a more appropriate home for the seven of us. I’m stressed but so excited. Once you adjust to so many people, you realize the importance of every single person, both young and old. You learn how much more love you have inside and how much you can adapt. We are indeed a family. I love each member of this group; I respect and honor each member. I would never want to live any other way.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

A Secret Revelation: The Unexpected Bond

Also (keep this a secret because I’m sure it’s against the laws of nature), but I even think my son-in-law likes me. Can you believe it? I couldn’t be happier, and my cup couldn’t be more full of every good thing. It’s a reminder that no matter our challenges, love, and connection can bring us together in the most unexpected and beautiful ways.

Me and my son-in-law in 2021. Photo taken by Naomi Latini Wolfe.

Life Lessons Learned: Home Is Where the Heart Is

Isn't it interesting how life has a way of teaching us the most valuable lessons, often in the most unexpected ways? I have realized that as we navigate through different moves and changes, we begin to understand that the true essence of home is not just a physical structure but the people who fill it with warmth, love, and laughter. It's not just a place but a feeling of comfort and belonging that we share with our loved ones. The memories we create together and the bonds we forge make a house a home. And when we are open to change, we allow ourselves to experience a level of happiness and fulfillment that we may have never thought possible.

Image created by author using Canva.

Conclusion: Embracing Change and Cherishing Love

Life is full of changes, some of which are major, while others may seem insignificant. But no matter what kind of change you're facing, it's important to remember that it's all part of the journey. Embrace this journey with an open heart and a curious mind, and you'll be amazed at what you can learn about yourself and the world around you. And as you navigate through these changes, remember to treat yourself with kindness and compassion.

Be patient with yourself, and don't be too hard on yourself if things don't go exactly as planned. Finally, remember to cherish the people who make it all worthwhile. These people will stand by you through thick and thin and help you find your way through even the toughest times. In the end, it's the relationships we build and the love we share that make life truly meaningful.

Ponder on that, y’all, and while you’re at it, be sure to subscribe to my blog for thought-provoking content about everything from health and safety to kindness and current events. So, until next time, keep pondering! ̣


CooCoo 💖🌈🐈‍⬛🟰🧶



Susan Jacobs

Hey, y'all! I'm Susan: grandmother, advocate, & passionate crocheter. Grab your sweet tea and join me on the porch to ponder life through a Southern lens.