【Kun Original Serial 36】What’s the nature of consensus?

kun rainbow
Published in
4 min readSep 24, 2021

first publication:bitcointalk




As is mentioned previously, Bitcoin marked a new civilization for humans, I named it Bit Civilization. It’s a more advanced civilization based on Bitcoin thought. It will transform all facets of human society, including but not limited to organization, family concept, tool, language, word, belief, law, system, city-state, country, assets, ethics, culture and art.

As far as I’m concerned, substantially, human civilization is consensus, so is Bit Civilization. The simplest explanation of consensus is shared knowledge, view, understanding and goal, which will temporarily eliminate differences and ease contradictions, rendering collaboration possible.

I think the essence of consensus is order, is entropy decreasing.

Reaching a consensus is going from disorder to order, a process of entropy reduction requiring continuous input of energy to end chaos and disorder. Attaining consensus is creating value as well, it’s coining a new human civilization.

Human civilization evolves in constantly shaping consensus. That inevitably entails energy input. Therefore, the process of reaching a consensus is the process of establishing civilization. Essentially, through the consumption of energy, the disorder becomes order, the reduction of entropy is realized and the increase of entropy is resisted. That is the ultimate secret of human civilization that I found.

Clear direction, shared idea, common goal, gathering wisdom and strong consensus are the most basic means and driving force for the continuous development of human civilization. Human society’s entering Bit Civilization is no immunity when Bitcoin was born. The process of establishing Bit Civilization is the process of spreading Bitcoin consensus. A new order for human civilization will be established with the unceasingly strengthening consensus on Bitcoin.

The process of civilization establishment signifies the endless conversion and consumption of energy in the universe. Energy will not be generated out of thin air, only by conversion and consumption. Every time anything happens in the world, some energy in the world will dissipate accordingly. The total value of entropy in the universe will increase until the energy of the universe is completely exhausted, the universe falls into extinction.

We eat every day, absorb energy from food, in exchange for survival. And then we learn, obtain knowledge and wisdom, and use this knowledge, wisdom, time, energy, physical strength, etc. to transform the world. Small life has a small energy cycle system, and the large has a large one. The entire earth also has its own energy cycle system and the same is true for human civilization.

The evolution of the entire human civilization now aims at building an orderly and organized human society with the help of external energy. That is a course of building consensus and achieving entropy reduction, which needs the supply of energy. Human civilization’s ceaseless entropy reduction is founded on the entropy increase, the chaos and disorder of the earth.

After the industrial revolution, science and technology developed explosively, new technologies emerged one after another, technological strength became stronger and stronger, and the development level humans had to nature grew higher and higher. Human society appears to be more and more civilized, yet the damage of nature turns more and more serious. The more civilized and orderly human society appears, the more chaotic and disorderly nature seems.

The greater the energy consumption of human society is, the more entropy will be produced. Therefore, human society will always be in a state of contradiction: the entire society becomes more orderly and rigorous but disorder and chaos continue to breed in the dark. We just rely on larger energy input to suppress the accumulation of entropy, which is exploding in various aspects: garbage pollution, global warming, melting glaciers, land desertification, PM2.5, species extinction, virus proliferation. All these are manifested on merely the material level. Spiritually, the proliferation of all kinds of useless spam on the Internet, the invasion of the human mind and the accumulation of assortments of negative emotions. Those things happen for some reason.

Our current society and civilization have arrived the most dangerous moment. Personally, this pandemic is essentially a response to the increasing entropy of the earth. If human civilization hankers after a better future, they must accomplish a true order that is not on the basis of the destruction of nature. Otherwise, humankind will certainly go to extinction in the end.

When Bitcoin was born, a new technical consensus based on mathematics and algorithms came into being, providing a new direction for human civilization with an optimized governance model. It renders human civilization more orderly, thus human civilization can coexist with nature. That is the true evolutionary direction of human civilization, as least for me.

All in all, the essence of civilization is consensus, and that of consensus is order, is entropy reduction. To build Bit Civilization, we must establish a new human order centered on Bitcoin, which is not limited to the currency field but for all aspects of human civilization. What do you think?

